Comments on She walks in Beauty

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Well, I am working a character bio for Arwen for next month and doing a lot of research on different ways in which she has been discussed over the years by fan and scholars as well and also the disputes between textual hardliners and movie fans. So, there was no way I could let your story pass without reading and commenting.

I like the question she poses to the Vala--if you are your brethern are so strong, why cannot you do more to help us? The answer is vague and philosophical enough to be convincing.

I liked the ending when she comes back to herself and is uncertain whether she just had a discussion with Varda or whether she had a dream. One could say even that they are not mutually exclusive options.

I like the ending lines, "The moon had vanished behind a cloud, but the stars lit up the night sky, thousands upon thousands. She was but a speck amongst the stars, but she was Undómiel and she was strong."

I think that canon Arwen is indeed a symbol of strength yet also one of waning influence. The Evenstar of her people to me symbolizes the departure of the Elves from direct intervention and interaction with the fate of Middle-earth and the coming of the Age of Men. But her role is not a weak or passive one, for she had the strength of Lúthien to chose to not only stay with her beloved, but to play a double role as the symbol of the twilight of the Eldar and then the Queen of the Reunited Kingdoms who will help usher in a new world.

Thank you so much for this very detailed and thoughtful review. I shall look forward to your bio of Arwen.

I'm delighted you enjoyed my story. I also for this year;s BTMEM wrote a short story about Arwen and Galadriel discussing their respective choices. Arwen fascinates me as a character.