The Orphan
The dispute between Fëanor and Fingolfin, from the perspective of Fëanor, in 100 words.
They call me the aggressor but they do not know: He was the thief, and I defended what was mine. All that I had left. Is that not lawful?
He has father and mother, you see. I have but one. And before our father, I heard his words, his attempt to steal Finwë's love and loyalty from me when he thought my back turned. A thief without the courage even to ply his trade in open light.
What I have done, how does it compare? How does it compare to rendering an orphan he who has already lost so much?
Chapter End Notes
Today's Word:
aggress uh-GRES, intransitive verb:
To commit the first act of hostility or offense; to make an attack.
Aggress is from French agresser, from Latin aggredi, aggress-, "to approach, to approach aggressively, to attack," from ad-, "to" + gradi, "to step, to walk."
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