The Re-Creation of Arda by Angelica

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Fanwork Notes

Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.

Fanwork Information


The Ainulindale. (Ficlet)

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 172
Posted on 14 September 2017 Updated on 14 September 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

In the beginning was the Music and the Music was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar. And Eru created in His thought the Holy Ones who sang the universe as He had propounded. And Eru was pleased so He said: “Eä! Let these things Be!” And Arda Was.

When the Heaven was born, when the Earth was born, the Holy Ones entered Arda. That marked the beginning of Time for there had been no Time before Arda was made and in Time the life of the Eruhini, the Children of Eru, both Elves and Men, would unfold.

So Eru gave the Eruhini a Place and a Time to live in. The Children, strange and free, had been conceived by Eru alone and in their being His mind was reflected. Thus with the Children Eru shared His own Primary Imagination, the power to Create, and so contribute with their finite minds in the eternal act of Creation.

Notes: With thanks to St John, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and JRR Tolkien.

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Beautifully conceptualized and described. I love your interpretation!

The Children, strange and free, had been conceived by Eru alone and in their being His mind was reflected.

Now if only someone had warned the Valar about the consequences of this they might have handled the inevitable conflicts better! I can adapt this as part of my defense for being such a lover of Feanorians (or Finweans in general).

Thanks for sharing--so few words and so much to think about!