Finrod Fashions a World by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.

Fanwork Information


Finrod shares his notion of the creative process with his sister. (Ficlet)

Major Characters: Finrod Felagund, Galadriel

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 628
Posted on 14 September 2017 Updated on 14 September 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

Tolkien discusses the writing of fantasy as an act of sub-creation. He describes it as the making of a Secondary World in imitation of God, creator of the Primary World. God is the Prime Mover, the First Creator; the writer must therefore be a secondary creator, or sub-creator. For Tolkien this is not a dismissive term but the title of a high calling. –Verlyn Flieger. Splintered Light: Tolkien's World.

“Ingo! There you are!” Galadriel looked him up and down with a sharp eye. “You look wonderful!”

“As do you, little sister! Glowing, in fact. Love agrees with you.” Finrod’s easy smile lit his entire face. She would not tolerate being called “little” by anyone but him. She’d always been spellbound by the splendor of her oldest brother, but she’d never seen him so joyful.

“It’s not just being in love! Although I will not deny that I am. But I feel good as well because I am learning so much and growing,” she said, while her brother’s slow teasing smile overtook his face and he raised a skeptical blonde eyebrow at her.

“Fine. Have it your way. I know the look of one who is caught up in the brilliance of being well-loved physically. And he is your first, isn’t he? Nothing can compare to that! Not even the joy of Queen Melian’s no doubt incomparable lessons in witchcraft.” She blushed all the way up into the roots of her hair and shook her head, unable to deny or argue with the truth of his words. No point in hiding anything from Finrod, he could read her like a book.

He bent and kissed her fervid brow. “Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve been there myself. It’s a marvelous thing and I do miss it. So, where is the handsome dog? Did you bring him with you?”

She sighed. “More like he insisted upon bringing me here. He did not want me to travel with any lesser guides or guards than himself.”

“I am happy he is looking after you well. All of your formidable intellect aside and your impressive martial skills, I feel better knowing there is one who does not allow you to hare off on your own whenever you feel like it! Where is he? I have something marvelous to show him. I’m bursting with self-regard!”

She took his hands in hers and brought them to her lips, before thrusting them away from her to examine them more closely.

“Oh, look at what you’ve done to your beautiful, beautiful hands! I’ve always thought you had the most glorious hands I’d ever seen on a man—so strong, with such long and graceful fingers!” His nails were ragged and his palms and fingertips scratchy, his knuckles rough and gray with embedded stone dust. “Don’t you even wear gloves to work?”

“But I do, until I get to the finer details. Wait! Just wait until you see what I’ve made before you judge me. You’re such a critic! I’ve created a hall which rivals the beauty of the throne room of Finwë’s palace at the height of the waxing of Laurelin. It’s all smoke and mirrors—quite literally. But it’s coming along really well.”

“But you’ve destroyed your wonderful hands!”

“My hands will heal. Just stop now, silly girl! Don’t judge until you’ve seen what I’ve done. I am as pleased and proud as Fëanáro must have been when he created the Silmarilli!”

“What an outrageous thing to say!” He looked so happy—his face shining with pleasure in his craft and satisfaction in the results. She could not resist being caught up in his elation.

“Nonsense, Artanis! I’m quite certain that the One intended us to use the hands and the intellect that he gave us to create our own worlds.”

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Oh, I really like this! I saw the title in my email alerts earlier today, from Ao3, and had been looking forward to reading it from that alone.

Your Finrod is lovely here, especially in how much he echoes the other Noldor like Fëanor. He might not be as reknowned in crafts as them, but he is just as prideful in his work when he's finished, whether that's wise or not.

Thanks so much! I love to think about Finrod as being very much of a Noldo. He might have a grandmother who is Vanyarin and mother who is Telerin, but his deeds and his work represent for me the people he helped lead to M-e. I imagine his marvelous cave city designed and fashioned in a manner that is quinessentially Noldorin. (I know he was influenced by Menegroth also, but I imagine his stonework to have a different character than descriptions of that city.) Also, I cannot forget that Tolkien always referred to him was one of the greatest Princes of the Noldor. So, of course, he takes a Noldorin pride in his work in my interpretation. I get a big kick out of writing Finrod as not quite as totally perfect as some fanfic writers characterize him. (I really love him a lot, which moves me to humanize him!)

Thanks again for reading and letting me know how it struck you.

(Although personally I'm sure that the incomparable lessons in witchcraft truly also were a major factor, in Galadriel's case.)

I had an older brother. He is putting her on, of course! They cannot resist doing that a little.

Thanks for reading. Like you enjoyed Finrod. I love to write him, although this was a bit of a rush job!

Oh, thanks so much, Jenni! I love to do family interactions. I grew up among seven siblings, so I like to think I have the background for it!

I love Finrod and Galadriel together, so I enjoyed writing them. No one but an older brother could tease her the way he does. That in and of itself humanizes her.