Follow Me Home by Robinka
Fanwork Notes
Originally posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Beleg meets his doom. Major Characters: Beleg Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 720 |
Posted on 11 October 2017 | Updated on 11 October 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Follow Me Home
Read Follow Me Home
The hunt had been fruitless so far.
It seemed, to a sharp mind and a keen eye, as if something – or someone – more powerful and threatening were hunting in the depths of the woods for there was almost no sign of wildlife. As if every beast lay hidden in their lairs.
Beleg knew what it was.
The winter had come with frost and hunger.
The chill in the air stung wherever it touched a bit of uncovered skin. The forest was silent, except for a while when the sound of horns blew high above the treetops. Beleg waded knee-deep in the fresh layer of snow, drawing his cloak neatly around him and looking up at the sky. It was snowing again, and Beleg shook free the snowflakes that had fallen on the hem of his hood. One of those icy gems landed on his nose, and for a brief moment it kissed him with its coldness only to die and leave a drop of water. Beleg brushed it away with a fingertip.
The cold wind gusted straight into Beleg’s face and made the snowflakes twirl, and with it came a tiny feeling of disappointment that nothing would be added to the pantry today, not even a single pheasant, wild rabbit, or hare. With every breath out of Beleg’s lungs, each hanging like a puff of smoke in the air, his disappointment grew, and he decided that he needed to go deeper into the woods, farther from the border, because the edge of Doriath seemed deserted.
And yet, a noise somewhere out there, in the shrubbery, got Beleg’s attention in a blink of an eye, and he removed the bow that crossed his back. The bow in his grasp, Beleg retrieved an arrow and waited.
The shrubbery shook; something was huffing and puffing, and a wild boar barrelled out of the tangle of withered leaves and twigs with its eyes fixed on Beleg and its tail raised in challenge.
A corner of Beleg’s lips moved up in a flash of a smile.
The young male, with its tusks barely visible in the thick bristle around its snout, was either scared of something and the fright blinded its instinct, or it had not absorbed much of the forest lore along with its mother’s milk. Either way, its lack of wisdom, Beleg mused, might bring death upon it. A swift, merciful death, with an arrow between the eyes, and the youth would not even know when it died.
But the beast did not advance, only dove back into the thicket before Beleg could let the arrow loose.
Beleg gritted his teeth, chewing a curse aimed at his apparent bad luck. He intended to follow the trace, bow at the ready. The careless animal might lead him straight to the herd.
It was in that moment that something other than the boar’s trail drew his attention; Beleg froze and cocked his ears. He looked around, barely breathing, and then he heard it again. A high-pitched cry for help!
Beleg might have been down his luck, but his pantry could wait. He decided to postpone the chase after the boar because apparently somebody was in dire straits. And he could be of help! With that in mind, he broke into a run, having thrown the arrow into the quiver and replaced his bow onto his back.
Several times he had to stop and listen, then he resumed running, his hood off of his head and his cloak billowing behind him like a standard. He knew he was on track, and soon he came eye to eye with three shadowy figures that hid, trembling and teeth chattering, in the snow-coated bushes.
Two men, ragged, battered, and – as it seemed to him – already giving up. And a boy, moving forward a little, with a challenge clear in his steel-grey eyes: the only one who was not ready to die yet.
Beleg halted and moved his hands up, palms out, so that the men and the child he encountered knew he meant no ill will and his weapons would not be used against them.
“Are you of the Grey Folk?” The boy braved a question as he stood up.
Beleg held out his hand and said, “Come with me if you want to live.”
Chapter End Notes
Title borrowed from a song by Dire Straits; the last line is a direct quote from “The Terminator” (1984, directed by James Cameron). Many thanks to the most generous Dawn Felagund for her beta and suggestions.
(1) Comment by oshun for Follow Me Home
This is great! Wonderfully atmospheric. Terrific descriptions and setting. Reads absolutely beautifully. Wow! Outstanding.
Re: (1) Comment by oshun for Follow Me Home
Thank you so much! I happy that you think so :) Thank you for reviewing!
(2) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Follow Me Home
I'll agree with Oshun 100%. What I loved about this story from the first time I read it as a draft to when I read it for the n-th time when you sent in the final version is the setting: the sense of hush, of foreboding, the proverbial calm before the storm as Beleg navigates the snowbound environment. (Which I know well! That quiet, snowy calm before all hell breaks lose and you wake up to a meter of snow outside your door! :) This entwines and works so well with the meaning of the story itself, in addition to being more than a little Tolkienesque. Beautifully done!
Re: (2) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Follow Me Home
Thank you so much, Dawn! I'm very, very happy that I managed to build the atmosphere. It was my goal, and I'm super glad it worked. Thank you for your kind words!
(3) Comment by hennethgalad for Follow Me Home
its a shame that 'Iced Gems' are a kind of biscuit in england, (cookie, to americans).
however, a charming piece, like the intro to a children's story.
Re: (3) Comment by hennethgalad for Follow Me Home
I wouldn't know that :) I'm from Poland. Thank you for reading and reviewing!
(4) Comment by Hrymfaxe for Follow Me Home
Oh I can feel the winter chill of the forest in this one! And the harshness of the season afflicts even the elves - of course it does. But Beleg has his priorities in order. :D (also makes a pretty picture in my mind's eye running through the forest with his cape flowing behind him)
Re: (4) Comment by Hrymfaxe for Follow Me Home
It's a huge compliment from someone who paints such extraordinary pieces of art! Thank you so much :D I'm beyond happy!
(5) Comment by Himring for Follow Me Home
You set this up so beautifully: the palpable harshness of this winter, Beleg still capably dealing with his environment even so, and still-defiant Turin.
Re: (5) Comment by Himring for Follow Me Home
Thank you so much for letting me know! I'm glad you think so :D