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This is amazing! I finally got around to reading this today, and you’ve built such an intriguing story already. This is like my dream crossover, combining some of my favorite universes, (universi?) so I suppose it’s no wonder I like it so much. But your versions of the characters are wonderful, and the superimposing of Arda into Star Wars is really well done. I had to laugh at Morgoth as Darth Vader!

Very excited to see where this goes!

Thank you! I was a bit worried that how I combined the canons wouldn't work for anyone else, so I'm glad to hear you think it's well done.

Star Wars is a lifelong love, so it was probably inevitable I'd end up combining them at some point. (Well, apart from the drabble I wrote for B2MeM 2012.)

I hope it doesn't disappoint!

Finally managed to catch up with this! It was an exciting ride. Love that Maglor couldn't stay hidden forever (in spite of the dire consequences... poor Finarfin, Findis and Indis ;_; ), and that Lariesh got to return. And, of course, that Maglor was reunited with his mother! It's tantalising to imagine that their little colony will remain hidden and perhaps grow into something more powerful, something that may help to play its own role in the fall of the Empire...
In short, I very much enjoyed this crossover! Thanks for taking us along!

Thank you! Dire consqueneces indeed; as much as I would have liked to have Finarfin live, it just wasn't in his cards.

It *is* tantalizing to think about the colony helping in the larger fight, but I tend to think that it'll end up needing to stop any activity in order to protect themselves. But after the Empire falls, they'll happily participate in the mop-up actions.

Thanks for reading!