On an ordinary day in SA 1697, Narvi is - as often before - losing herself in work.
On that same day, standing in a chamber of torture and looking at the battered body of the Elf he once proclaimed a friend, Annatar - better known as Sauron - realises that the Noldo is as stubborn as his grandfather, and will not reveal the location of the Three Rings.
Delirious with bloodloss, desperate to thwart the evil he naively helped create, to make the pain stop, Celebrimbor remembers a snippet of an old bedtime story, the calm voice of his uncle speaking.
He knows the Songs of Power, knows how his House could do fantastical things through song, but he never really believed in the Song of Souls... until he is standing in an unfamiliar workshop, staring at a heart-breakingly familiar face.
On an ordinary day in SA 1697, Narvi begins hearing voices... well, one voice.
Save them
Featuring Ghost!Celebrimbor, No-nonsense-Narví, Pining Glorfindel, Oblivious Erestor, and gratuitous use of Dwarf Culture.
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