Fanworks Tagged with Original Character & Original Character

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May you live in interesting times by 0ur_Ouroboros

There is no escaping guilt.


Maedhros finds another orphan in the woods.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Shapes in the Mist by AdmirableMonster

A young Orc on a spirit quest walks through the memories of her people.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Strands that Bind by AdmirableMonster

Merry Brandybuck and Estella Bolger named their first child Boromir, after the hero of the War of the Ring. But the young hobbit's dearest secret is the name she wishes she had. One quiet day, after finding an unusual necklace in the cellar, she begins to see visions of an ancient past that whisper to her of ways she might heal a poisoned pond that has never recovered since the Scouring of the Shire. Can she unlock the secrets of a long-ago chemister and his lover and find the courage to stay true to herself along the way?

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Oh where is the sun by AdmirableMonster

Lilóteo, the erstwhile Royal Physician of the Númenorean court, is waiting to be sacrificed when he receives a strange visitor.

Written for the prompt "And the Empire grows, the seeds of its glory, for every five tanks, plant a sentimental story" + manekimi's OC Death and Sauron or others

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Cranesbill by Chestnut_pod

As the bells began to ring alarms at another five black-sailed Corsair ships hoving into view, Ulloth’s mind and pen alighted upon the pelargoloth, her namesake, the common and beloved flower of the city’s balconies and courtyards, just opening its scarlet petals with the dawn of the the Second Siege of Pelargir.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Fates of Man by AdmirableMonster

Two natural philosophers struggle to warn the Faithful that the end of Númenor is approaching.  But can sworn enemies find a way forward in the midst of the final tumult?

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