Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
The aftermath of the Fall of Numenor, from two different shores and three perspectives. Three drabbles.
25 chapters assembled into five stories. Each chapter fills four prompts, one from each of the four cards in the SWG May 2022 Vintage Bingo Challenge, for a total of 100 prompts filled.
The five stories are not all in the same continuity/universe -- for one thing, Ilverien and Red Crow cannot coexist, though there are elements they have in common -- but all of them can be read as part of an overall set of ideas.
Fingon was a king whether or not he used the title. He was a king because people chose to follow him, people who were lords themselves, with their own liegefolk. And the model for lordship at that level among the Noldor was kingship.
Glimpses of Nerdanel, Feanor, Ambarussa, and people important to them through time
People have been people, and will continue to be people, for a very long time. Elves are definitely people.