Ilverien by Lferion
Fanwork Notes
Written for the SWG May Vintage Challenge. On AO3 here.
Many, many thanks to Zhie and Runa for encouragement, idea bouncing, and sanity checking.
Rule 63 & Rule 34 -- Ilfrin Littleheart (also spelled Ilverin) is canonically male, and is not paired with anyone. Ilverien is Ilverin gender-switched (always a girl).
Fanwork Information
Summary: Maedhros, Ilverien, and infant Erien are due to return, after having been away for two months. Fingon prepares for his spouses' arrival. Major Characters: Original Character(s), Erien, Fingon, Littleheart, Maedhros Major Relationships: Fingon & Maedhros, Fingon/Maedhros, Fingon/Littleheart/Maedhros Genre: Erotica, Family, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Fluff, Het, Poetry, Poly, Slash Challenges: Vintage Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild), Sexual Content (Moderate), Sexual Content (Graphic) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 5 | Word Count: 3, 424 |
Posted on 15 June 2022 | Updated on 15 June 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
Fingon ponders hröar and relationships while waiting
Prompts - Lit:B3 Sins of our Fathers, Art:I1 Embroidery/Tapestry, Poetry:B2 Villanelle, Fanwork:G4 Rule 63
Fingon prepares himself for his lovers' arrival - a triple drabble and rondeau
Prompts - L:I4 Literary Fairy Tale, A:N4 Quilling, P:G5 Rondeau , F:B5 Rule 34
The absent return and reconnect
L:G5 Urban Fantasy, A:G3 Arthur Rackham, P:O4 Sonnet, F:G5 Fake Dating
Here only joyful work, three rejoining with delight
Prompts - L:O4 Magical Realism, A:O3 Victorian Palette, P:B5 Alexandrine, F:I2 Lemon
The final line of the poem is not a usual part of an Alexandrine. The characters (Maedhros) insisted.
A picnic on the lawn, a day or so later. A quintuple drabble and a poem.
-- Tolkien Short Fanworks, June challenge: Thematic prompt Cattle or other domestic animal, Form prompt Bredlik
-- L:N3 FRSP-Slice-of-Life , A:B2 Pop Art, P:N4 Bredlik, F:G2 Curtainfic
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