Ilverien by Lferion

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the SWG May Vintage Challenge. On AO3 here.

Many, many thanks to Zhie and Runa for encouragement, idea bouncing, and sanity checking.

Rule 63 & Rule 34 -- Ilfrin Littleheart (also spelled Ilverin) is canonically male, and is not paired with anyone. Ilverien is Ilverin gender-switched (always a girl).

Fanwork Information


Maedhros, Ilverien, and infant Erien are due to return, after having been away for two months. Fingon prepares for his spouses' arrival.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Erien, Fingon, Littleheart, Maedhros

Major Relationships: Fingon & Maedhros, Fingon/Maedhros, Fingon/Littleheart/Maedhros

Genre: Erotica, Family, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Fluff, Het, Poetry, Poly, Slash

Challenges: Vintage

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild), Sexual Content (Moderate), Sexual Content (Graphic)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 5 Word Count: 3, 424
Posted on 15 June 2022 Updated on 15 June 2022

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Fingon ponders hröar and relationships while waiting


Prompts - Lit:B3 Sins of our Fathers, Art:I1 Embroidery/Tapestry, Poetry:B2 Villanelle, Fanwork:G4 Rule 63

Fingon prepares himself for his lovers' arrival - a triple drabble and rondeau


Prompts - L:I4 Literary Fairy Tale, A:N4 Quilling, P:G5 Rondeau , F:B5 Rule 34

The absent return and reconnect


L:G5 Urban Fantasy, A:G3 Arthur Rackham, P:O4 Sonnet, F:G5 Fake Dating

Here only joyful work, three rejoining with delight


Prompts - L:O4 Magical Realism, A:O3 Victorian Palette, P:B5 Alexandrine, F:I2 Lemon

The final line of the poem is not a usual part of an Alexandrine. The characters (Maedhros) insisted.

A picnic on the lawn, a day or so later. A quintuple drabble and a poem.


-- Tolkien Short Fanworks, June challenge: Thematic prompt Cattle or other domestic animal, Form prompt Bredlik
-- L:N3 FRSP-Slice-of-Life , A:B2 Pop Art, P:N4 Bredlik, F:G2 Curtainfic

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