Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Alphangil lives in Eglarest following the Dagor Bragollach, while Fingon remains in Hithlum. During a visit by Maedhros they find a way to bridge the distance.
Alphangil surprises her wife Fingwen and their lover Maedhris in the gardens of Barad Eithel. Fluff and smut ensue.
After the attack on the Havens of Sirion, a figure from Maedhros' past comes face-to-face with him one last time.
Fingon returns to Barad Eithel after a late-autumn hunt, finding someone unexpected with his wife. The night takes an even more unexpected turn for all three of them.
Indis yearns to stir the sleeping queen of the Noldor.
Three triple drabbles written for the It comes in Threes challenge, featuring various Ainur.
Idril and Meleth (my OC) welcome Finduilas, Niënor, and other refugees into Havens after the Fall of Doriath, hoping they can start anew there. Finduilas's daughter is distraught about the situation. Also, how did Finduilas and Niënor make it to the Havens after the Fall of Doriath?
Celebrimbor and Annatar are ready to eject Galadriel from their city. But they get distracted, and Galadriel takes advantage.
Haleth was told to stay out of the woods of Doriath. Haleth decided not to listen. Haleth finds herself in strange positions in the darkness of the woods...
Fingon is out for an adventure and asks Maedhros for an introduction to a certain club. Soon he finds himself participating in an orgy, the plaything of others, and enjoying every moment of it.
Maglor is curious about the land bordering the Girdle of Melian. Lúthien and Daeron happen to be having a nice time nearby. Some nightingales help make things happen.
Maedhros is one of the last of his family to return to life, welcomed joyfully by his brothers.
Now that Fingolfin has his wife back, is he still going to welcome him in his bed -- and should Maedhros even ask?
Thuringwethil comes home from a hunt brimming with desire. Luckily Melkor is more than happy to indulge her and invites her and his two other favourite followers to his rooms.
Turgon loves Elenwë. Finrod loves Turgon. Elenwë is pushed to the brink by the strain of the Helcaraxë. There are strange things done in the land of no sun by the Elves with hair of gold… A love story with a ghostly twist.
25 chapters assembled into five stories. Each chapter fills four prompts, one from each of the four cards in the SWG May 2022 Vintage Bingo Challenge, for a total of 100 prompts filled.
The five stories are not all in the same continuity/universe -- for one thing, Ilverien and Red Crow cannot coexist, though there are elements they have in common -- but all of them can be read as part of an overall set of ideas.
Beren falls down a ravine and breaks his leg, but that's just the start of his good fortune.
Maglor is a model for erotic art: a voyeuristic threesome with a wedded pair ensues, with the blasphemy of sex against the Laws of marriage and not without some humour.
An unseasonably large snowstorm causes Gil-galad to fret about their upcoming March to Mordor.
Shai is the first orc to be reborn and Sharû is overjoyed to have his mother back. When Shai hears that her husband can't be reborn because both she and Arasiel, his wife from when he was an elf, are alive, she is not prepared to accept that. Shai and Arasiel team up to get their husband back, coming closer to each other in the process.
Celegorm, who was friend of Oromë, who often visited the Vala's house and learnt the language of all birds and beasts - but hunted them also. This is a story of the noontide of Valinor, of a hunting party and of the deities of bow and arrow, loyalty yet untarnished, gifts and wisdom, and what it means to understand and talk to the things you kill. Sometimes Snow White and the Huntsman are the same person.
Fëanáro looked at the Vala whose silver hair had a slight lavender hue in the light of Telperion. He was wearing a necklace of silver birds – nightingales. Fëanáro smiled, he’d made that for him. The fire of his anger at the decision the Valar had made in regard to his mother and father still simmered in his breast, but he’d learned a lot of smithcraft from Mahtan Aulendil and even Aulë himself, and Irmo had always been a friend to him.
A story of Feanor's and Irmo's relationship before and after his death. Also a story of how even the Valar have to rethink their rulings sometimes.
Laiglas stared at him, his mouth hanging open. “I beg your pardon?”, he stammered and blushed when some things shot through his head, he sometimes dreamed of. Melkor and Mo in one bed with him... But: “Mablung... I’m sorry, but... you are my friend, I love you, but I don’t think of you like that.” Mablung laughed cheerfully. “You don’t have to be sorry for that, I feel the same about you. But I still think the four of us could have fun.”
Melkor and Mablung have a proposal for their friends.
"Hail Earendel, brightest of angels
Sent over Middle-earth to men."
Eönwë plays messenger as Elwing and Eärendil begin to adjust to their new lives as a lighthouse keeper and a star respectively.