A Chance Enchantment by polutropos

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Fanwork Notes

Written for Scribbles and Drabbles 2022, inspired by a moodboard by maglor_my_beloved. 

Fanwork Information


Maglor is curious about the land bordering the Girdle of Melian. Lúthien and Daeron happen to be having a nice time nearby. Some nightingales help make things happen.

Major Characters: Daeron, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maglor

Major Relationships: Daeron/Lúthien/Maglor

Genre: Erotica, Poly


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6, 919
Posted on 26 November 2022 Updated on 25 June 2023

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"An extraordinary feature of the A-version [of the Lay of Leithian] is the name Celegorm given to the King of the woodland Elves (Thingol); moreover in the next Canto the rôle of Beren is in A played by Maglor, son of Egnor. The only possible conclusion, strange as it is, is that my father was prepared to abandon Thingol for Celegorm and (even more astonishingly) Beren for Maglor."

- Christopher Tolkien, commentary to Canto I of the Lay of Leithian in HoMe III.

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