Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Part of our Themed Collection series for our newsletter, this collection features fanworks about the three ruling queens of Númenor: Tar-Ancalimë, Tar-Telperiën, and Tar-Vanimeldë.
Erendis walks under the stars with her child and tells her a tale.
The child Ancalimë makes plans for a kingdom.
Dorthaniel's college professor gives her class a seemingly impossible homework assignment: turn a fragment of strange music from the Second Age into a modern score, and then explain its origins. Well, her guess is as good as anyone's!
A collection of short ficlets about Princess Ancalimë, who will become the first Ruling Queen of Númenor.
Newly added: "Exit, Pursued", for B2MeM and the Hidden Figures challenge.
"Two hundred and five years she holds the scepter, vowing to outlast her enemies, and solidify her place in the history books with this, if nothing else, so that she cannot be written out, only a name on a genealogy." Tar-Ancalimë rules.
A collection of fills written for rthstewart's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2013 and 2015, for Tolkien-based prompts. (Mostly Silmarillion, with one for Farmer Giles of Ham and Sir Orfeo, and one non-Tolkien crossover.)
Chapters 2 & 3: More Tolkien-based fills written for caramelsilver's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2016 and 2017.
Two time Ancalimë stumbled, and two times she tried to make it right again. A tale of lovers in Númenor.
(Written for Tallulah for My Slashy Valentine 2016.)
Except not really. Two moments from the lives of Erendis and Ancalimë.
Written as a treat for Tallulah for the 2015 LotR Secret Santa exchange.
Found in the personal collections of Barahir II, transcribed and translated into Westron from its original High Adûnaic. A fragment of a poem for Ancalimë, from a poetess who loved her.
An anthology for stories set in Numenor or involving Numenoreans.
Latest added: Became Estranged from the Eldar (drabble set in the time when the Shadow fell on Numenor)
A sequence of eight drabbles spanning the history of Numenor, with a particular focus on the period of Aldarion.
Now added: an extra drabble on Amandil for the Akallabeth in August challenge
Erendis reflects upon her life.
The future of her ladies-in-waiting becomes a counter in the marital conflict between Tar-Ancalime and her estranged husband Hallacar. Hallacar shames Tar-Ancalime into permitting them to marry. We are allowed to assume that they all were unreservedly grateful for this opportunity. But were they?
Now added: A second chapter from Ancalime's POV for the International Day of Femslash: Loss All Around