Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Ten years after the Valar pulled Númenor dripping from the sea, Elros receives a visitor.
Elwing, flying in bird form above the Star Isle, ventures a little too close and takes a tumble. She ends up bruised for her trouble, but gets more than she bargained for...
Elros and Aglaril (his wife) take their young son Vardamir camping. After he falls asleep they enjoy a quiet conversation. Written for Tolkien Secret Santa 2019 as a gift for the-lefuet-blog on tumblr.
An anthology for stories set in Numenor or involving Numenoreans.
Latest added: Became Estranged from the Eldar (drabble set in the time when the Shadow fell on Numenor)
Elrond receives a final letter from his brother.
At the end of his reign Elros receives a visitor. How the palantíri came into Númenor.