Si la mar fuera de leche by Chestnut_pod
Fanwork Notes
This story was converted to usable code from GDocs' janky formatting using AOYeet! It is complete at 7 chapters, which will be posted Thursdays and Sundays.
Title from "La Serena," a Ladino folksong (and rock-solid Elwing song) that exists in many different versions. I recommend the interpretations of Aviva Chernik and Yasmin Levy. "If the sea were made of milk, I would be a fisherwoman. I would fish for all my woes with little words of love…"
This story has three major warnings. First, the canonical suicide attempts of Elwing and Maedhros are referred to, and the concept of suicide sort of hovers over the story as a whole. Second, there is a mention of past, off-screen infant death, plus infant endangerment via hunger-induced milk loss (both parent and child are fine at the time of the story). Lastly, the fic tries to tackle and lampshade, a little bit, the colonialist real-world resonances of "this completely empty land was given to us for our worthy settlement by G-d."
"Si la mar fuera de leche" is kiiinda a canon-divergent AU in two very minor ways. First, I moved Tindómiel and Vardamir's birthdates way up, because if Jirt won't even give Elros' wife a name, I can do what the heck I want. Second, I chose to interpret that Yavanna's "greening" of Númenor was not instantaneous, but rather a kind of expedited process of "regeneration" similar to what happens to new volcanic islands -- whether or not this is "canon divergent" is up to interpretation.
Many, many thanks to Unnamed Element for the wonderful beta read and for ruthlessly demolishing my commas. The fic is better for your eyes!
Fanwork Information
Summary: Ten years after the Valar pulled Númenor dripping from the sea, Elros receives a visitor. Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Unnamed Female Canon Character(s), Elros, Elwing Major Relationships: Elros/Unnamed Canon Character, Elros & Elwing Genre: General Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings, In-Universe Racism/Ethnocentrism, Suicide |
Chapters: 8 | Word Count: 24, 032 |
Posted on 22 July 2021 | Updated on 15 August 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
Readers, please note that this is the chapter in which the warnings about offscreen infant death and children in danger appear.
Please note that this chapter is particularly heavy on the discussions of suicide.
I can't believe we're done!
Comments on Si la mar fuera de leche
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Chestnut_pod has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Sensitivity Read, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.