Fanworks Tagged with Poetry

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To an absent lover by Himring

Two (female) Sindar before the return of Morgoth from Valinor--one of them looking back on that time.

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How Far Away by Zdenka

Fingon and Maedhros try to overcome what separates them, even death.

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Song of the Laughing Maiden by Zdenka

The Aldudénië was Elemmírë's formal, public lament after the Darkening of Valinor, but she also had private feelings which she put into her poetry. (Three poems by Elemmírë about the Darkening, the First Kinslaying, the Flight of the Noldor, and above all, her love for Lalwen.)

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Light and Labor Past by Zdenka

The smiths of Eregion prepare to face Sauron. (The narrator is Feredwen, an original character.)

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Green Eggs and Silmarils by Zdenka

A silly retelling of the Silmarillion in the style of Dr. Seuss.

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Middle-earth Poetry (Silmarillion version) by Zdenka

Tolkien-related poetry on various subjects, mostly written for B2MeM. (I've only cross-posted the Silmarillion poems here; the version on AO3 and MPTT includes the LOTR-related ones also.)

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Tales of the Nine by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Who were the Nine before they became Ringwraiths - and after? Intended as a collection of Wraith-centric pieces whenever they come to me.


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Love Unfulfilled in Dorthonion by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Andreth, called Saelind by the Elves, had her heart broken by Aegnor...

...but Aegnor was no less wounded by his actions. He poured out his heart to his beloved twin, Nerwen, just before flame engulfed Dorthonion...

...and later, remembering his death, he relates his last moments to Findis.

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Dragon's Journeys by DrummerWench

An addition to the Fairy Tales series that also fits on SWG.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A Love Song to Middle-Earth in Spring by Himring

A song that could have been sung by anyone after the first rising of the Sun, really-- but maybe particularly by Beren himself, from whose song this piece is adapted, or by Aragorn, since he seems to have liked the Lay of Leithian, from which Beren's song is taken?

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Maedhros of Bergerac by Dilly

Maedhros tells Maglor his secret... Based off the work of Edmond Rostand. (translation by Scythe_Lyfe)

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Fragment: In the long days of Darkness by losselen

Found in the personal collections of Barahir II, transcribed and translated into Westron from its original High Adûnaic. A fragment of a poem for Ancalimë, from a poetess who loved her.

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Twenty Two Words by Elwin Fortuna

Bilbo struggles to understand some of the words in a poem he's found.

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Numenor That Was by Himring

An anthology for stories set in Numenor or involving Numenoreans.

Latest added: Became Estranged from the Eldar (drabble set in the time when the Shadow fell on Numenor)

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The north-march by losselen

A poem for Andreth in Ladros, in the long years of the Siege of Angband.

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The Dagor Dagorath by Marjolenna

A short poem and among the very first things I've ever written Tolkien-related. It isn't much, but I hope you enjoy it.

Based on the original speculations and in-universe prophecies regarding the Dagor Dagorath, the Battle of All Battles.

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Of Finrod and Bëor by losselen

Here is a song called Of Finrod and Bëor as was sung in Rivendell in the Third Age of the world. It is but a fragment from the Lay of Felagund, which told the story of Finrod Felagund in full. It was first cast into Sindarin in Imladris by some of the High Elves who dwelt there for a time, and later into Westron.

I: Of Finrod tarrying in Ossiriand
III. Of Finrod spying Men in the woods
III: Of Finrod's song of Valinor
IV: Of the waking of Men and the conversation of Finrod and Bëor
V: Of the disquiet of the Green-elves and the passing of Men into Beleriand
VI: Of the death of Finrod Felagund and the deeds of the House of Bëor

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Songs for the Seasons by losselen

For everything there is a season. Multi-age. Multiple characters.

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Of Maglor by losselen

What song might have been sung of Maglor, at the breaking of the world.

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Two poems for Daeron by losselen

Two sonnets for Daeron: one for his joy and youth in Doriath, and one for his exile in Eriador, searching in vain for Lúthien.

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Maglor's lament for the lost Silmaril by losselen

What Maglor, in both obdurate pride and grievous lament, might have sung of the Silmaril. In blank verse unrhymed, after Paradise Lost.

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The Sweet Bard by Cirth

A stranger's first impression of Maglor.

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Atanatari: Of the Three Houses of the Edain by Himring

A collection for stories about the Edain.

Recently added: The chair (Sador Labadal)

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