Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Here is a family tree of the Nandoran nobles and some Sindarin nobles that I filled out with HCs. I gave names to lots of textual ghosts (including Celeborn and Amdir's moms) and connected them to Denethor so it makes sense they are in charge of the Silvan elves in the 2nd and 3rd ages. Also so they are not in charge because they are Sindarin. I did not like that. I used FamilyEcho to make the family tree after someone in the Tolkien OCs discord mentioned using it.
Fleeing the fall of Doriath, Oropher is called into the kingship of the Greenwood.
This two-part paper discusses different elven responses to trauma exposure and forced displacement in Beleriand and Middle-earth (absolutely not exhaustive!). The first half of the paper focuses on Elrond's response to traumatic stress, while the second half compares the impact of Galadriel and Oropher's migration into formerly Silvan realms. First given at the Tolkien Society's Diversity & Tolkien seminar in 2021.