Fanworks Tagged with Fingolfin & Fingon

This is a Writing fanwork

Without the Counsel of Any by Artano

Fingon leaves a note for his family before attempting to rescue Maedhros

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This is a Writing fanwork

After the Festival by Himring

At Ivrin, during the aftermath of the Mereth Aderthad.
A brief vignette.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A Silent Echo by Rocky41_7

Hithlum reckons with the departure of the future Gondolindrim.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Antes de la tormenta by firstamazon

Fingon y Fingolfin tienen una conversación a las vísperas de la Batalla de la Llama Súbita.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Sound of Lightning by sabcatt

Ñolofinwë’s eldest has always been flighty. Early in the First Age, Findekáno disappears three ways.

Written for the fan_flashworks challenge “storm”.

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This is a Writing fanwork

To Tell the Truth by chrissystriped

After his rebirth Nolofinwe knows he can't lie to Anaire any longer, even if the chance of Maedhros to ever be reborn is slim.

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This is a Writing fanwork

By Love or at Least Free Will by grey_gazania

Short scenes in the life of Fingon and Ianneth, his wife.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Bloody silmarils, book I by Dilly

In Gondolin, Turgon is depressed... A comedy and parody of the Silmarillion with a lot of characters and chapters. Chapter 20: Fear.

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