Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
“Come, Faramir. Let us not stand in ceremony. I think words are due between you and I, and not only those between a King and his Steward.”
Faramir has speech with Gandalf and his King.
The lands of the north and the south are coming together again in friendship and alliance, and a celebration is planned, to take place on the lawn of Parth Galen. Gimli makes something particularly special for the occasion.
Two drabbles on the mourning in Gondor for Boromir's death.
Boromir lives!
...but then what? What might one additional man desperate to return to the defense of his homeland accomplish after cheating death?
A jaunty (I lie, we go Angst, here) romp through canon-adjacency
The line of Dol Amroth have often given birth to dreamers, people who see things invisible to others - some claim it a curse, some a blessing carried by their ancient Elven blood.
Imrahil, fresh from the battle of the Pelennor, names it loss.
Or hope?
As Sauron's reach lengthens, Winter lingers overlong in Gondor. In the midst of cold, despair, and the slow march to war, Boromir kindles a forbidden love affair with an unknown errand-rider that creates intrigue and betrayal. Written for Keiliss for the 2015 LotRGenfic/MPTT Yule Exchange.
Boromir loses his horse and meets some Rangers.
4: "He thought that his adventure had come to an end, and a bad one, but the thought hardened him."
When word reached Rivendell that Frodo was abroad and Gandalf was missing, it was Glorfindel's lot to take the road, and Eluréd and Elurín's to ride south.
A chance encounter: a captain of Gondor crosses paths with Finduilas and her young child. (Written in 2011.)