Boromir Drabbles by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Boromir's death and grief are central themes, but his death is not described.

The drabbles were originally written for the drabble community Tolkien Weekly on Livejournal (on the prompts see chapter end notes). They were uploaded to AO3 and turned into a mini-series in 2014/15.

Fanwork Information


Two drabbles on the mourning in Gondor for Boromir's death.

Canon Source: Lord of the Rings

Major Characters: Boromir (Fellowship)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 202
Posted on 6 June 2023 Updated on 6 June 2023

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

The two halves of Boromir's horn make their way to Minas Tirith.

The road mentioned in Boromir's Lament, sung above the Falls of Rauros, must be the same one on which the citizens of Minas Tirith (together with Pippin and Bergil) watch the Captains of the Outlands arrive before the siege of the City later on...

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