Boromir Drabbles by Himring
Fanwork Notes
Boromir's death and grief are central themes, but his death is not described.
The drabbles were originally written for the drabble community Tolkien Weekly on Livejournal (on the prompts see chapter end notes). They were uploaded to AO3 and turned into a mini-series in 2014/15.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Two drabbles on the mourning in Gondor for Boromir's death. Canon Source: Lord of the Rings Major Characters: Boromir (Fellowship) Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 202 |
Posted on 6 June 2023 | Updated on 6 June 2023 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Cloven Horn
The two halves of Boromir's horn make their way to Minas Tirith.
Read The Cloven Horn
Bound with silver, written with ancient characters: half was found among the reeds where watchers lay, below the infalls of the Entwash. In haste, their captain rode through Anorien, a grievous burden across his saddle-bow.
O Boromir! The long road north!
Half was found spinning on the flood by one who had an errand on the water. A perilous freight resting against her feet, she rowed straight past her destination, on to Osgiliath.
O Boromir! The hard road east!
Now the horn lies cloven upon the lap of Denethor, waiting only for confirmation.
O Boromir! Drifting south under the stars…
Chapter End Notes
Essentially a somewhat expanded remix of what Faramir says at Henneth Annun.
You could read the italicized lines as being Denethor's thoughts--or perhaps Faramir's.
Drabble (100 words) written for the Homophones Challenge at Tolkien Weekly on LiveJournal
Prompts: rode/rowed/road
The South Road
The road mentioned in Boromir's Lament, sung above the Falls of Rauros, must be the same one on which the citizens of Minas Tirith (together with Pippin and Bergil) watch the Captains of the Outlands arrive before the siege of the City later on...
Read The South Road
Beyond the gate the seaward road runs south. I stood there before sundown, looking out. In the hour of Gondor's need, from Lossarnach came Forlong with his heavy spear, from Morthond, Duinhir with his bow. From Pinnath Gelin came Hirluin, clad in green. From Ringlo came Dervorin, striding on foot, from Dol Amroth, Imrahil and his knights under the banner of the Ship and the Silver Swan. One after the other, they came up the South Road to the aid of the White Tower when Lord Denethor called--but you came not with the wailing gulls from the grey sea's mouth.
Chapter End Notes
The italicized sentences are quoted from the Lament.
The speaker is intended to be a citizen of Minas Tirith, not Pippin.
According to the word count tool I used, this is a true drabble (100 words). "Mouth" was the last prompt of the (Not a) River Challenge at Tolkien Weekly on LiveJournal.