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Member since 7 October 2016.

About Me

I grew up in the Boston area and received a B.A. in Art History in 2015.  I have since worked in arts non-profits.  My father read The Hobbit and LOTR to me as a child.  Years later, I happened upon a copy of The Silmarillion on a dusty shelf in my high school library.  Revisiting Tolkien's world felt like coming home; his nostalgic, poetic writing never ceases to move me.  My favorite characters include Manwë, Ulmo, Yavanna, Olórin, Fëanor, Finarfin, Finrod, Thingol, Melian, Lúthien, Daeron, and Melkor.  Were I an elf, I believe I would be half Vanyarin and half Sindarin.


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