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Member since 15 September 2017.

About Me

Hello! I'm Ysaeleie.
I'm 17, and first read the Hobbit when I was 8. My fascination with Tolkien's world was sparked then, and I reread the Hobbit several times before I was given access to the Lord of the Rings, which I devoured in about two week in June 2012. At that point I had been writing for two years in national competitions through my school, and Tolkien's word-craft dominated my inspirational sources for a solid three years. Since my awareness of his material was still limited, I found my inspiration began to dry up, and I went to my mother with this frustration.

In response, she handed me the Silmarillion and said, "Read it slowly." I finished it in a month (and reread several times thereafter). My friends still avoid talking about early Middle Earth, because I tend to go on several hour long rants explanations of how I believe that the process of creation laid out in the Ainulindale and Valaquenta are valuable as a semi-neutral comparison for creation stories across all religions, how the process of evolution and mass extinctions that we are aware of can be mapped to the wars with Melkor the Morgoth in the Spring of Arda, and thus the potential of this story to provide a way for creationists and evolutionists to agree, among other similarly long and complicated opinions and theories.
(Tl;dr I fangirl for hours and my friends are getting sick of it).

With school taking up most of my time as I've gotten into the later years of highschool, I have been writing less and less. This August 2017 I finally received my own copy of the Silmarillion, and in rereading pieces of it I have found the impulse to write has been returning. I have been a member on the Council of Elrond site for some time now, and while I greatly enjoyed their elvish learning program, I have found their written archive sadly lacking (although the pieces there are mostly amusing or good quality). I am excited to be able to join a community more focused on written homages to Tolkien's full life work.


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