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Member since 17 December 2020.
About Me
I copied and pasted, because why not?
How and when did you first become interested in Tolkien or The Silmarillion?
I first read The Hobbit in the summer between 8th and 9th grade. This was back when dirt was being beta tested. I read The Silmarillion when it first came out. However, my favorite Tolkien work is Unfinished Tales.
Who is your favorite character in The Silmarillion?
Elrond. He’s also my favorite character in everything else Tolkien wrote, and in most fan fiction depending on how he is presented.
What is your favorite way to "do fandom"? (Fanfic, podfic, fanart, cosplay, etc.)
I don’t really “do fandom.” I enjoy reading good fan fiction and occasionally looking at fan art. I enjoy speculating on Tolkien’s works. I write a lot of Tolkien-based answers on Quora.
What kinds of stories are you here to read?
Good ones, not that that is a useful answer. I avoid certain genres. I am fond of stories that involve sociology and politics, especially among Elves.
If you're an author, what kinds of stories do you love to write?
Not an author, sorry. I couldn’t come up with a plot if Glaurung were about to eat me otherwise. I am registering so that I can leave comments.
Are you known on other Tolkien or fandom sites under another pen name?
I have an account on FF dot net that I haven’t used in ages. Other than that, no.