Welcome to the Silmarillion Writers' Guild

New Challenge: Bollywood. This month's challenge offers songs, films, and tropes from Bollywood, the world's largest film industry based out of India, as prompts for fanworks.
Cultus Dispatches: Fandom Chocolate … or Authors Love Comments. Tolkien Fanfiction Survey data provides insight into how comments benefit authors and which authors are most impacted by a lack of comments, with a digression on authors' perspectives one-click feedback like kudos.
A Sense of History: Passing Ships. As Tolkien's characters in various texts gaze out to the sea, what do they see? What is brought by the ships coming out of the West?
New Challenge: Funky '70s. We've compiled lists of '70s-themed prompts to inspire your fanwork in the June-July challenge.
Fandom Voices: Commenting and Feedback. We are collecting fan experiences related to giving and receiving feedback on Tolkien-based fanworks.

Latest News

New Challenge: Bollywood
This month's challenge offers songs, films, and tropes from Bollywood, the world's largest film industry based out of India, as prompts for fanworks.

Cultus Dispatches: Fandom Chocolate … or Authors Love Comments
Tolkien Fanfiction Survey data provides insight into how comments benefit authors and which authors are most impacted by a lack of comments, with a digression on authors' perspectives one-click feedback like kudos.

A Sense of History: Passing Ships
As Tolkien's characters in various texts gaze out to the sea, what do they see? What is brought by the ships coming out of the West?

Newest Fanworks

I called it Fate that I should fail by AdmirableMonster

Nimruzimir, a natural philosopher recently out of his apprenticeship, hardly considers himself very important to anyone, least of all his colleagues.  When his strange, prophetic fits bring him to the attention of the High Priest, however, he may find that his existence is less superfluous than he had originally thought. 


All of you by chrissystriped

Elrond and Celebrían celebrate their anniversary with their family.

Lament for the Singer by daughterofshadows

A short thing about Maglor, death and grieving.

Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

I would like to share my revelations of Tolkien's Universe in the form of narrative and emotional poems.

Eä's Redemption by AaronAzrael

This is my new poetical attempt to add my own interpretation to Tolkien's Cosmology as to Eru's Creation and the Valar's minds and behind-the-scene providence reasons and mechanisms..

New in References

Fandom Chocolate … or Authors Love Comments by Dawn Walls-Thumma

Tolkien Fanfiction Survey data shows that authors view comments as driving their motivation to create fanfiction. However, perception of comments by authors is part of a larger shift in fandom around how and how often fans interact with each other.

Mapping Arda, Part I: Terraforming by Anérea

A series of articles featuring fan-made maps of all the lands of Arda. Part I looks at diagrams of the shape of Arda as well as maps of the earliest years and the lands of Aman.

Passing Ships by Simon J. Cook

The arrival and departure of ships across the Great Sea carries mythic significance for the peoples of Middle-earth. The image of ships crossing out of and back into a mysterious West appears as well in Beowulf and is alluded to in Tolkien's tower analogy in his lecture "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics," where the tower allows those who climb it to observe the passage of the ships.

Newest Artwork

Map of Valinor by Aprilertuile

My newly drawn map of Aman, as complete as I could make it. 

Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

Funky Balrog by cílil

A funky chibi Balrog for the funky 70s!


Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

Back in Time by Lyra

What if, instead of taking Marty and Jennifer to 2015, Doc accidentally took them to Years-of-the-Trees Valinor?

Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

Around the World and Web

Fellowship of the Fics: Summer Stories 2024
Fellowship of the Fics offers four weeks of summer-themed prompts during the month of July.

Elrond Week 2024
Elrond Week is a fandom event dedicated to Elrond Peredhel that will run from July 10th to July 16th on Tumblr.

July challenge at tolkienshortfanworks posted
The tolkienshortfanworks challenge for July has been posted to the Dreamwidth community. The thematic challenge is: original character or unnamed canon character; the formal challenge: fixed length of multiple of 50 words. New participants welcome.