Beta Reader Profile for Tol-Himling

Preferred Name: Sam

Beta Strengths: Description/Imagery, Mood/Tone, Pacing, Research, Sensitivity Read, Setting, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics, Style

Beta Weaknesses: Conflict, Plot, Point of View

I Prefer to Beta

Time Periods: Years of the Trees, First Age, Second Age, Third Age

Characters: Noldor

Genres: No genres listed.

Ratings: Creator Chooses Not to Rate, General, Teens, Adult

I am willing to work with authors with disabilities that impact writing/language.

I am willing to work with English language learners.

I Prefer Not to Beta

Time Periods: No time periods listed.

Characters: No characters listed.

Genres: No genres listed.

Warnings: No warnings listed.

Additional Information

I can beta for pretty much any story in terms of pacing, grammar and syntax, tone, etc.  I am not familiar with the Fourth Age so plot/characterization beta is not my strong suit there.  I can do research for the main texts but the more obscure letters are something I am not familiar with.  I can do pretty much any type of beta for the silm, the hobbit, and LOTR.  I have no objections to content - I can beta for pretty much any content or rating.  I can do sensitivity reading for queer characters and mental illness (depression, anxiety, ADHD); I am white and atheist (culturally christian) so I cannot specifically beta for race/ethnicity or cultural accuracy outside my lived experience (if I notice something that may need further review, I can let you know and suggest a user that is qualified to beta those aspects).  I listed plot as a weakness because I have a hard time formulating plot sometimes for my own fics, but I do reasonably well when I have a framework in mind of what the author/collaborator would like to see.

Reminders to Authors:

  • Read the beta's full profile before contacting them. Respect any limits they state about what they're willing to beta. Likewise, if a beta notes that their "Prefer Not to Beta" list is not a rigid set of limitations, feel free to reach out.
  • A beta's inclusion in the directory does not mean that they are necessarily available to beta for you at this time. When contacting a beta, remember that your message is a query about their availability.
  • It is helpful to include some information about the piece you need beta'ed. What is it about? What kind of help are you looking for? How long is it? When will you need it finished?
  • We recommend betas and their authors having clear conversations before beginning about the expectations of both parties. SWG moderators will not "referee" communications (including conflicts) between betas and authors.