2024 Potluck Doodles by silmalope

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Fanwork Notes

Assorted drawings for the potluck, some less complete than others!

Fanwork Information


Assorted prompt fills for the 2024 Potluck bingo boards, to varying degrees of completion! :)

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:


Type: Character/Portrait, Drawble/Finished Sketch, Drawing/Painting

Challenges: Potluck Bingo

Rating: General


Posted on 18 November 2024 Updated on 15 December 2024


For the Tolkien verse prompt “full of wandering beams of light”, an anime-inspired Galadriel and Finrod hot off the Helcaraxë and filled with the light of Aman.

Digital art of brightly illuminated Galadriel and Finrod.

Iron Hells

Drawing the villain crew for the first time for the Tolkien verse prompt “where shadow flows”. Feat. Sauron, Thuringwethil, Gothmog and a distant Glaurung.

Digital artwork of Sauron, Thuringwethil, Gothmog and Glaurung wreathed in flame.

Without Light

A very literal read of the Tolkien verse prompt “kneeling without light”: Nienna weeps by the ruined Trees after the darkening of Valinor.

Digital artwork. Nienna weeps among dead leaves.

Ships in the Night

Working on some finicky projects left me with art block, so I’m treating it with the usual prescription: low-effort doodles! A prompt fill for “ship of the moon” and “a messenger, a mariner”. Eärendil and Tilion passing each other during the work day (or night).

Digital artwork. A rough sketch of Eärendil and Tilion sailing past each other in the night.

Sister Cities

For the “storied places” bingo board prompts: character designs for Vinyamar and Gondolin! I used a silver/gold palette to reflect Turgon’s yearning for Valinor. Vinyamar is smaller and more humble (but still battle-ready) with a motif inspired by swans and the sea. Gondolin is younger but bigger, grander, and fortified for war, clothed in white. Both are unified by Nolofinwëan blue.

Digital artwork. Two elven women stand side by side. One wears a silver-blue dress and holds a knife; the other stands tall arrayed in white and gold armor, holding a glaive.

Comments on 2024 Potluck Doodles

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

silmalope has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Accuracy, Anatomy, Background, Color/Tone, Composition, Flow, Presentation, Proportion, Shape/Line, Style, Technique, Texture. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.

You did a great job with the highlights and shadows; they really look like they're glowing!  And I love the different colors you used for Finrod and Galadriel.  The warmer and cooler tones fit each respective person so well!

I love how they're still shining even though they're exhausted. It's great to see them together like this, having triumphed over the Ice. 

This would also fill some of the prompts on the Midwinter board, I think?