Designs by Independence1776

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Fanwork Notes

For NaryaFlame.

My thanks to Flora-lass for the beta.

Fanwork Information


Second Age 3261: Sauron prepares to respond to Ar-Pharazon’s heralds. Maglor doesn’t know how he fits into Sauron's plans.

Major Characters: Sauron

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe, Horror


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 258
Posted on 18 October 2024 Updated on 18 October 2024

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Designs

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Oh I love this! Very creative and well-written. Interesting having Maglor in this scenario.  I adore the idea of Sauron drawing designs on Maglor’s skin. It’s dominating but also rather intimate and interesting, not as permanently invasive or painful as tattoos or the other scars. Also that Sauron wants Maglor to sing to him, plus the magical earrings. Makes me wonder about Sauron’s motives, which seem hmm complicated. Intrigued about where this will go. Well done!

Creative response to an intriguing prompt!  I love a story where the characters' motivations are complicated and aren't stated out loud, instead they come through in the actions. In the short space of this fic you've painted (so to speak) a complicated relationship between the two, in which Sauron's actions are ambiguous. Sauron drawing his eye on Maglor is just so umm psychological, as on the one hand it says, I'm always watching you and I have the power to do anything to your body I want, on the other, the process of doing it . . . the prolonged proximity, the soft tickle of the brush as well as the feeling of Sauron's breath on Maglor's skin as he focuses so completely on his captive, it's so sensual and arousing and . . . artistic.  Wow! I can feel poor Maglor's Stockholm syndrome. I found myself pondering your story for some time after reading it yesterday. Even though this is a one-shot, I'm glad you are working on a sequel.  :-D

....I also wanted to add that their relationship frightens me. Is Maglor enjoying this? The horrific idea of eyelets of mithril (beauty and strength) screwed directly into his bones, and attached to chains feel almost as much of a gift from Sauron as the magic-imbued earrings and chain. Sigh....