Awakening by Dawn Felagund

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Fanwork Notes

This story largely concerns itself with the legend of the awakening of the Elves at Cuiviénen that is discussed at the end of the essay Quendi and Eldar in The History of Middle-earth: The War of the Jewels. As with much of my recent writing, I am looking at this "canon" as though it was a historical document discussing the mythology of a particular culture and, therefore, prone to flaws, biases, and misinterpretations. In particular, I have always been curious about how a people that awakened in the wild and who are attuned to Arda (the earth) and nature came to develop the rather rigid sexual mores that are discussed in Laws and Customs among the Eldar in The History of Middle-earth: Morgoth's Ring. This story aims to explore how this came to pass.

For the record, the woman called Elenwë in this story is not the same Elenwë who would later marry Turgon and die crossing the Helcaraxë. Because the name literally means "star woman," it seems like it would be a common and popular name among the Eldar, who always adored the stars.

I don't believe in holding my readers' hands and giving them a guided tour of the canon used to develop this story. I trust that you all are intelligent enough to research and explore the canon for yourselves without me telling you what it says. However, if you have any questions about why I did things the way that I did, please ask. If you'd like a copy of the essays I used, I'm happy to share; just drop me an email.

Fanwork Information


Shortly after the Elves awaken at Cuiviénen, the young Þerindë begins to learn about love and Elven nature. This story seeks to explore the origins of the Elven mores concerning sexuality that are discussed in Laws and Customs and Quendi and Eldar.

Major Characters: Finwë, Míriel Serindë, Original Character(s), Tata

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: International Day of Femslash 2008

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 6, 068
Posted on 19 July 2008 Updated on 19 July 2008

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on Awakening

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I am excited with this story--the lives of the elves in Cuivienen have always interested me and trusting your ability to flesh them out, I'm sure that this will be an interesting read.  I'm looking forward to reading more about Tata, Rumil, Ingwe and most especially Miriel and the part that Elenwe will play in all of it. 



I am intrigued with Curuni and have theories to the physical changes she is experiencing.  I liked the line "maybe she has grown bits beneath all that."   I also think that the part where Finwe lights the leaves with fire is so priceless, knowing that he will also bring forth a different kind of fire to the First-born in the future.  Looking forward to the next chapters.