Tainted Light by Eldalie
Fanwork Notes
The Silmarillion is the book Tolkien worked on for his entire life, so we have different versions of the storyline in the published Silm and the volumes of the History of Middle Earth. In this story, I mainly stick to the published canon, but may take occasional detours.
I will be using Quenya names for the characters; original characters names thanks to the website realelvish . net. We don't know anything about Indis' family tree, so I felt free to invent.
And finally, my heartfelt thanks to my betas Encairion and Dawn Felagund, without whom this story could never have unfolded. :)
Fanwork Information
Summary: Silme loved and followed Maedhros from the peace of Valinor to his fiery end. Now Galadriel, her cousin and friend, reads her memories, and the exile and downfall of the Noldorin Elves live again through the tale of this doomed love. MEFA 2010 NOMINEE Major Characters: Fingon, Galadriel, Maedhros Major Relationships: Challenges: Akallabêth in August Rating: Teens Warnings: |
Chapters: 23 | Word Count: 104, 293 |
Posted on 22 April 2010 | Updated on 29 September 2010 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Aikanàr is Aegnor, Findaràto Finrod, Turukàno Turgon, Arafinwe Finarfin, and Fingon is called Nolofinwion as son of Nolofinwe, Fingolfin. Enjoy!
Alcàniel means Blazing Maiden. Thank you to realelvish . net.
If Hobbits can have golf (see LotR, Concerning Hobbits) Elves can have draughts. ;) Daro is a diminutive I made up for Findaràto. Enjoy!
The account of Morgoth's coming to Formenos as told by Maedhros is one of the things Chrstopher Tolkien saw fit to leave out of the published Silm...as you may see here, I do not agree with him. 0:) The title of this chapter is a tribute to one of my favourite books by one of my favourite authors, Garcìa Marquéz...enjoy! :)
Only Christopher Tolkien knows why he did not include the text of the Oath of Feanor in the published Silmarillion...fortunately for us, it is printed elsewhere. Enjoy!
There are several guesses about how much time passed before the Noldor actually left Valinor. I am going with the shortest.
The words of Mandos' Doom are Tolkien's own. Methinks he wrote it to chilling perfection. Enjoy.
To try and reconcile the different chronologies Tolkien gives us for the Battle Under the Stars and the first rising of the Moon has proved impossible; with the precious help of Dawn we have tailored a timeline for this chapter.
We know of the manner of Elenwe's death from HoME.
Next time I'll be posting two chapters at once...don't worry one's not a chapter, just one of Artanis' side notes. Enjoy! :)
In the end I didn't need Artanis' note. The song i pretend was made by the Noldor is a slightly adapted quote from the Song of Salomon. Enjoy! And do drop me two lines. ;)
This chapter is dedicated to Araloth, who persuaded me that Carnistir is hot property - and fittingly identified him as the 'odd man out'. Enjoy.
Sorry for the late update - sailing boats in the Aegean are no place to update a fic, especially when five minutes' spells in internet cafés are all the time you get with a computer (and Greek keyboards are the devil's own work. :P)) Without further ado, here goes the new chapter...fortunately, Tolkien tells us Elves heal fast. Hope you enjoy. :)
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