The Very Secret Diary of Námo by Aramel

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Fanwork Notes

The Splutter

Fanwork Information


The Doomsman of the Valar keeps a diary, and wonders what this "sense of humour" everyone's talking about is. Very silly. With apologies and fluffs to Cassandra Claire's original VSDs.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Finwë, Mandos, Manwë, Melkor, Míriel Serindë, Nienna, Vairë

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 253
Posted on 23 April 2010 Updated on 23 April 2010

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Very Secret Diary of Námo

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Aramel, I laughed out loud at the paradox in which Namo finds himself at the end! :D Namo being my favorite Vala, I have wanted to read this since you first posted it. I was not disappointed; I love the dry humor, like, "I do not foresee dust. It is a part of Ilúvatar's mind that is hidden to me." And, "He tells me that my furniture looks terrible and that he could do better with a pocket knife in half an hour. What's worse, he did." Namo being ordered around by Manwe (and stared into silence by 10,000 Noldor) struck me as very funny as well. I've always believed that the Valar probably sung into being--along with their more notable achievements of wind and snowflakes and stars--bureaucracy.

OMG! Nienna--"It was always, Oh, that's so terrible, but I'm sure it will turn out all right in the end..." You nailed her!

You are going to kill me!! "Gained my first real tenant today. A woman called Míriel.-- thick as thieves, talking about children.

Feanor! I needed this! "Míriel's son is such a pest...He tells me that my furniture looks terrible and that he could do better with a pocket knife in half an hour. What's worse, he did." 

I should not just continue citing every other line in this story!! This is fabulous. I love it. Unlike the one that inspired you, this one has actual content and canon!! Great take on the Finweans! Cranky Namo (so lacking in self-awareness!) is a laugh riot! 

Just one more for the road--"People flocking over in droves. Almost out of room." Unnumbered Tears maybe? No matter if that was not your intent--plenty of things it could have been.

This is great.