The Song: Memories by Himring
Fanwork Notes
"...he took his harp and sang a song of Valinor that the Noldor made of old, before strife was born among the sons of Finwë..."
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
‘Could you play the song again?’
‘That one.’
‘I don’t know. I haven’t, since.’
Fingon tentatively begins picking out the tune. Coming into his stride, he starts to sing the words, his voice a little strained. Maedhros joins him on the chorus. They sing one stanza together, strong and clear. In the middle of the next verse, Fingon falters. Maedhros goes on until the end of the next verse after that; then he stops, too. Fingon slowly but doggedly continues playing the tune.
Maedhros comes and sits beside him on the floor, leaning his head against his knee. Fingon hits a wrong note and stops playing altogether, his hands motionless on the strings. They sit that way.
(1) Comment by ebbingnight for The Song: Memories [Ch 1]
Astonishing how this echoes, without your even having to tell us anything more about the song itself.
Re: (1) Comment by ebbingnight for The Song: Memories [Ch 1]
Thank you very much! I was hoping that this could be read both as a stand-alone and as part of the series. As a stand-alone, it can resonate even more freely with however the reader chooses to interpret it. (Sort of Casablanca-ish perhaps?)