B2ME Day 3 - Stubborn by Erulisse

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Chapter 1





Come with me.  The wonders of the journey and the beauty of the new lands across the great waters will overwhelm your heart.  




Stay here with me.  Our wide open spaces and welcoming trees beg for you to stay.  The beauties of our own land must still call to you. 




Come with me.  Their buildings are tall and filled with light.  The Beings who live in the West are kind and will welcome you and all of our people with open arms.  You will be cared for as would a beloved child and you will know fear no more. 




Stay here with me.  The softly lapping sounds of the waves against the shore are all the welcome that I need.  My beloved, you are all that I need, and we will care for each other and our children, raising them under the starlight from above. 




Come with me.  The horns are blowing and the Two Trees are waiting.  Our guide is mounted on his beast and our people are beginning to move out.  Please, my dearest one, the holder of my heart; come with me.  Join me and see the light. 




Stay here with me.  Let the horns blow and the people leave without you.  Among this large group of people you are only one more person.  But here with me, you are my everything, you are my life.  Beloved, leave not, but remain and endure here at the birthplace of our people.  Celebrate the stars and remain within the circle of my love for all of the long years of our life. 




But the call of the Trees and their light was too strong.  One left, traveling to the west, and living near the light of the Trees.  The other remained behind, wandering the lands of the east under the soft songs of the starlight.  Two hearts that had been beloved of each other were instead broken.  And if they met again, it is not written.  



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