B2ME Day 7 - Lessons by Erulisse

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Chapter 1



Gazing across the study area, Artanis noticed several of the older Noldor boys clustered around Echuion, the Teleri Ambassador’s son.  He was a younger boy and fairly new to the class, but at this moment he was cowering and almost in tears.  She rose and pushed herself through the onlookers to confront the older students, eyes blazing in anger. 

“What is happening here?  Why are you not at your studies instead of tormenting Echuion?  He should be treated with respect.” 

“Oh, Artanis,” a son of the lesser nobility complained.  “He is good for nothing.  All he does is sing.” 

“And have you already forgotten that Arda itself was created by a Song?” she replied as she gathered the young man to her and moved him away from the crowd. 

* * * * *

A/N – I assume that some of the younger members of the court and nobility would gather for lessons in lore and culture in a single location, at least some of the time.  I also assume that each of the Kings would want representatives in the courts of their peers and thus would send an ambassador to each court.  


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