B2ME Day 20 - Making a Decision by Erulisse

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Chapter 1







Silmëalë paused before opening the door to her son’s chambers.  Straightening her back and drawing in a deep calming breath, she knocked, then pushed it open, gazing around the large room.  Her son looked up from the far side of the room, an open pack on the floor next to his wardrobe and his sword, cloak and dagger on the bed. 


“You are going with them,” she said softly. 


“I…Yes.  You know that I don’t care for Fëanor, but this is an opportunity that I feel I have to take.  Ammë…” 


“I dreamed of this day, my son.  I know I can’t talk you out of this, and I know that it will be long before we see each other once again.  But I beg of you, please do one thing for me.” 


He looked at her questioningly, nodding in acquiescence. 


“Promise me that if you need to pledge fealty to any of that house, it will be to Turukáno that you cleave.  Promise me.” 


Walking up to her and grasping her hands in his, he looked her in the eyes.  “I so swear, Ammë”.  

Chapter End Notes

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