Comments on Manwë's Birthday Party

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I'm trying to think of something ... after all, the pervy!drunken!Finrod to whom Tarion refers--the same Finrod who has often harangued her Maedhros muse with lewd sexual innuendo over IM--does technically belong to me ...

It's perfect! I laughed out loud too many times.

Not that there's anything wrong with that

Ai, the memories of your Sauron ...

their sensitive ears, which may or may not have been leaf-shaped

*sporfle* And I have a thing for those little leaf-shaped ears too, you know ... :^D

Ai, and the descriptions of the Valar in their birthday suits, and poor Irmo "still oozing" ... priceless! I've been meaning to add to this round robin; now you've made it irresistible!

(Also, I noticed that I somehow missed adding you as a co-author. WTF, Dawn? I'll do that right away!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :^D

Oh, ouch! I love how you managed to rattle Maitimo. Nice outfit on Varda too. But , I'm sorry. I think "Lon Guyland" needs a footnote even worse than my reference to an obscure (to the rest of the world) American sit com. I think one of the cat lovers out there should should hop in and keep this thing moving.

Note for non-Americans: Lon Guyland is the pronunciation in the local (particularly unlovely to me) accent of the name of one of the largest and most populous surburban areas near New York City: Long Island. (It is also an island. Beautiful beaches, sailing, but I digress...) I must to protest, however, that the concept that either Fingon or Maedhros would ever have such an accent is waaay OOC and really popped me right out of the story. (Grumble, grumble. I'm just certain that is NOT canon. I mean, OMG. How ugly.)

Heh. Ever since I read your fateful phrase, "Everybody Loves Fingon," that scene has been rattling around the inside of my skull like a b-b pellet in perpetual motion. I just had to purge it or go crazy! :^D And fear not! I am certain Findekáno and Maitimo will regain their mellifluous voices and ever-so-perfect Noldorin accents post-haste. I would imagine all that noise will snap them back to their senses.

Thanks, too, for clarifying the obscure 'Murrican reference. It occurred to me after I slapped that scene up there that it might be lost on those who do not enjoy the lofty high culture that is American TV (I might be sarcastic here). On the other hand, that bit of shtick might just have been written with you in mind. Maybe. :^)

It's perfect! I laughed out loud too many times.

Not that there's anything wrong with that

Ai, the memories of your Sauron ...

their sensitive ears, which may or may not have been leaf-shaped

*sporfle* And I have a thing for those little leaf-shaped ears too, you know ... :^D

Ai, and the descriptions of the Valar in their birthday suits, and poor Irmo "still oozing" ... priceless! I've been meaning to add to this round robin; now you've made it irresistible!

(Also, I noticed that I somehow missed adding you as a co-author. WTF, Dawn? I'll do that right away!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :^D

Oh Pande, Dawn just directed me to this jewel after I read her birthday present for you. I had not managed to find it before because of the assortment of authors...

I was saying to her that my copy of the Necronomicon (unsigned, sadly) is next to my beloved three HoME hardbacks. Count me in for the Lovecraft-Tolkien crossover club, I cackled in glee at the thought of Namo turning up in his protoplasmic slime birthday suit to Cthulhu's bday party.. Long live the Miskatonic University!


Was browsing through fanworks and found this  - SWG 2nd birthday! Bet you didn't think 18 years later it would still be going strong. 

Raising a glass for the authors who have gone into the West...