A Crash Course in History by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Maedhros reads The Lord of the Rings (the Imladris edition).

In honour of Oshun, Biographer-in-Chief, on the occasion of her birthday.


Now a MEFA 2011 nominee. Thank you very much, Angelica!

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Gift of a Story

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 264
Posted on 9 April 2011 Updated on 9 April 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

How many times did I have to replant that vine? There are far too many things that I did far too many times in your absence. And yet the leaves are shading your eyes now as you read, almost exactly as I envisaged it when I first planted it.

You recline in the shade, the book propped up on your knees, your heels on the seat of the bench. Beside you—a stack of half a dozen volumes, another three or four on the ground below. You are doing the Third Age today. You started skimming through the early annals of Gondor and Arnor after breakfast. Now it is mid-afternoon and you are reading a more detailed report on events towards the end of the Age. It seems to be a page-turner.

I had a hard time finding some of these books. Not much call for that kind of information in Tirion these days, the bookseller said.  But I knew that, if they ever released you, you would not be content with some Valinorean abridgement, you would want to study the records first-hand.

I remember that I am allegedly engaged in balancing the household accounts. I add up a row of figures in my head, tick a column on the page before me and go back to watching you.

You look utterly absorbed, your lips parted as if you were trying to inhale the subject matter as you read. Unconsciously, you are flexing your toes. Suddenly you frown a little, puzzled. Our eyes meet and you wonder:

‘What is a perian, Findekano? What are they like? Do you know?’

Chapter End Notes

Oshun's biographies, just in case you are having trouble finding them on the SWG site, are here (or check the site map under "Periodicals").

Also, there's a story by Cirdan in which Maedhros has already met a hobbit during the First Age: Frodo the Super-Small (obviously not compatible with this one!).

Leave a Comment

I'm  very glad you liked it!

Catching up with the history of the Third Age is not quite as emotionally hazardous as a trip to the ruins of Formenos, but I'm sure Fingon would want to look after the process anyway!

(And I very much doubt whether anybody who reads this is not already going to be a fan of your bios--they will all know where to find them, but as you'd mentioned you'd heard from people who hadn't a clue where to look on the site, I thought I'd do my bit.)

I always like stories where First Age characters learn about the events of LotR :D

Your Fingon is so sweet! Do you tire of hearing me say that in every review? :P I love how well he knew Maedhros and how he prepared for the time he'd be released from Mandos, even if he wasn't sure when or if it'd happen.

Fingon may not know about hobbits, but Elrond sure does ;)

You can tell me that you like my Fingon as often as you like--I promise to be pleased as Punch every time!

I haven't actually made up my mind whether Fingon was re-embodied in time to meet Frodo and Bilbo (or Sam). But of course Elrond could tell Maedhros all about them, yes!

Dawn already made him pretty bookish in her Felak'verse: according to her, he did a lot of the theoretical research for Feanor's projects and has written a book classifying Valinorean flowers. But I guess it was I who turned him to a real geek! Why not--we can use an elven patron, can't we?

Thank you very much for reading and commenting!