Mayday by Lipstick

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Fanwork Notes

This fic owes rather a lot to Ithilwen’s “Necessary Sacrifices” story. I hope I am not dragging it through the mud.

Of course elves did not celebrate Mayday, but the elves of Gondolin certainly celebrated something called “The Gates of Spring” where they gathered on the city walls to watch the sun rise. This fic attempts to explain that festival’s origins. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, it is quite seasonal. If you live in the southern hemisphere, I suggest you read it in six months time!

Fingon's POV


First published: June 16, 2003

Fanwork Information


A Fingolfian springtime celebration by the shores of lake Mithrim, complete with gatecrasher.

Major Characters: Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 991
Posted on 7 May 2011 Updated on 7 May 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Mayday

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I cannot believe I never read this one before! So glad to come across it here. I think every writer who cares about the Noldor has to write their version of Maedhros's renunciation of Feanor's claim to kingship of the Noldor. (I know I certainly was absolutely compelled to write my version.)

I like this one very much. It is completely different from the way I had imagined it, but takes from canon the overwhelming impression I had of Maedhros which was that under other circumstances, he would have made a great king of the Noldor. Part of the tragedy of the tale. Also, that a majority of Fingolfin's people would have had to have accepted Maedhros's abdication in good grace in order for Maedhros and Fingon to have done what they did over the next five hundred years before the oath came back into play again. Oh, yes, lovely Fingon and Turgon perfectly in character also.

Lovely story, beautifully imagined and executed.

"I think every writer who cares about the Noldor has to write their version of Maedhros's renunciation of Feanor's claim to kingship of the Noldor" Yep, I was bitten by the bug too, guilty as charged. Considering my elves don't spend much time in canon, it must have a strong draw.

I think the Fingolfin as King and Maedhros as chief of the Feanorians was a set up that worked rather well for both of them. Fingolfin didn't have to fret about getting the sons of Feanor (3 C's I'm looking at you!) to toe the line, defaulting to Maedhros, and Maedhros could blame anything that rubbed his brothers up the wrong way on Fingolfin. It kept the peace for three hundred years, so was a pretty good plan, all in all. Headcannon has Maedhros and Fingolfin getting on rather well.

Glad you enjoyed.