The Deepest Cut by Erulisse

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Chapter 1


Disclaimer:  Tolkien built the sandbox, I only play with the bucket and shovel that he left for me.  No money, profit or non, is made from the publication of this story.  



The Deepest Cut


The clash of arms had ended. Long separated, the twins reunited with great joy, embracing and rediscovering their kinship. Their quiet times held as much meaning as the discussions they had while they caught up with each others’ lives.

Standing before the Herald, a choice was presented to them. As they left, each thought that their decision was obvious and merited no additional explanation.

Upon their return, they looked at each other. In tandem, the words were spoken: “I choose to be numbered among … the Eldar.” “…the Edain.” In sorrow, Elrond felt the bond between them cut forever asunder.

Chapter End Notes

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