The Dying Fire by Vasiliki

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Fanwork Notes


Warning: If you aren't very familiar with the text "Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth" by JRR Tolkien, on which this fic is based, then I strongly recommend that you won't read this fic, for both you won't fully understand it and the dramatic effect of the original text will be spoiled for you.

Here, as in the original text, "ye" is used for the plural only and "you" represents the Elvish pronoun of polite address, while "thou, thee" represents the familiar (or affectionate) pronoun.
estel = hope, trust
fea = soul, indwelling spirit of an incarnate being
hroa = body of an incarnate being
adaneth = mortal woman


First published: June 2, 2002

Fanwork Information


Andreth's last night

Major Characters: Andreth, Finrod Felagund

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: General

Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 593
Posted on 9 September 2011 Updated on 9 September 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Dying Fire

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This is utterly glorious! It gets closer than anything else I've seen to how I feel about Finrod and Andreth's friendship / bit-more-than-friendship-maybe. The Athrabeth seems to me to be one of the most intimate and intense things Tolkien ever wrote and there are so many layers and subtexts to the relationship that Finrod and Andreth have - they are friends, they are almost-siblings-in-law, they are...IMO there is a certain frisson between them as well. And they clearly, obviously, love each other. I think you get it so right here - the enduring but dreamlike love Andreth has for Aegnor, compared to the reality of what she and Finrod feel about each other, and the hope that she will see them both again, ultimately.