The Ultimate Gift by Erulisse

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Chapter 1

The Ultimate Gift

The Ultimate Gift



“If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives.”

-        Robert South



Their son had stood with Ecthelion.  The pain of his death had nearly unmanned him, but he still had his wife and daughter to guard. 


Exiting the tunnel, pushing Tuor's family and his own ahead of him, orcs beset them again.  The small band of refugees began dying.  An arrow ripped through the arm of his wife and slammed into his daughter.  Her fëa would join her brother's in Mandos. 


When the Balrog appeared in front of him, he gave his wife the only gift left to him – her life earned through his sacrifice.  He prayed it would be enough. 


Chapter End Notes

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