The Fall of the Noldor by Erurainon
Fanwork Notes
This tale as tolkien put it for the intro to FOTR, "Grew in the telling" in that it was not there from the very beginning but sprung up when a friend of mine asked me if I knew more about the lay of the fall of the noldor mentioned briefly in Tolkien texts. The words came freely and I yet not know how I ended up with this coppy. There were no other drafts and I recall, quight gloomily, that perhaps it was unsuitible for those fan fic webcites I was thinking of. Then I filed the poem away for around a month or two until I found this cite. Here it is and I hope that it will have for you the same feel and mode of tolkien's writing while keeping firm a bardic sense of mythic quality.
Fanwork Information
Summary: A lay of the Elder Days focused on the fortunes of the house of Feanor, the Silmarils of yore, the dark magesty of Morgoth, and the ending of the wars of Balariand all in verse. Major Characters: Ainur Major Relationships: Challenges: Differing Perspectives Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 393 |
Posted on 30 October 2011 | Updated on 30 October 2011 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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