Taking Readings I by Himring

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Across the Wide Seas of Time

In "The Two Towers", Gandalf says he would like to test his will on the Palantir and see whether he could make it show Feanor at work during the Years of the Trees to him.
This is just a small riff on that...

Gen, no warnings

Who would not wish, wrenching the Palantir from the Dark Lord's power, to look on Tirion the Fair and perceive the unimaginable hand of Feanor at work in his forge, in that legendary past when both the White Tree and the Golden were in flower and Feanor shaped both far-seeing Palantir and star-bright Silmaril? Who could not wish to see it? 

But almost I would rather see Feanor in his study, bent over the desk where he perfected the letters that make up the words: Silmaril and Palantir, Tirion and Feanor. For thus he made all these imaginable to us.

Chapter End Notes

Title and drabble allude to Gandalf's words to Pippin in the chapter "The Palantir" (The Two Towers, Lord of the Rings).

For the prompt "study" at Tolkien Weekly on LiveJournal.

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