The Intruder by wind rider

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The Intruder

The Intruder


To say that Melkor was furious with the intruder would be an understatement. To say that he was secretly frightened of how his unpenetrable fortress had been invaded at last would be a bigger understatement. But he displayed the former for all to see and feel and concealed the latter most neatly. After all, he must present a fearsome image to his tricky and slippery underlings.


The black-robed creature had just dropped right in front of his throne without any preamble, as if fearing nothing, as if it ruled Angband instead of Melkor himself. Or perhaps, it had been sent by his bothersome, power-grabbing brethren? Anyway, this little bother must be quashed soon – and permanently.


Gathering his remaining powers around him like a cloak of menacing darkness, he stood up and addressed the clueless-looking creature. “Who are you? How dare you come before me unbidden?”


The… thing… dared stare hautily at him—!


“I am called Lord Voldemort,” it said in a sibilant hiss. “I am wherever I want to be. No mortals can bar me, not even you.”


Melkor laughed, amused and annoyed at the same time. “I am no mortal, you miserable creature. I am Melkor, the first and foremost of the Spirits, the true ruler of Eä. I will still be here while you will soon be dead.” He wrapped the creature in his aura and squeezed it slowly but surely, revelling in the tides of fear that at last emanated from the insolent intruder. “Mortal, eh? Let us see how immortal you are, then.”


Before he could finish the act, however, the strange creature vanished right within his grasp just as he had appeared.


Oh well. He had begun to delight in the semi-torture…

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