The Dark King And the Slave by Erurainon

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Chapter 1

The Thrall to the Dark King-
You can drag me to thy dungeon,
And drown me in thy hail.
Thou can cut the life within me,
And call these hands thus frail.
You can fight the truth you answer,
Or betray the light in scorn.
But no slave will come to save thee,
When the Valar fair to war.
Can you hear their mighty marching through thy wastelands fell,
Echoing cross the hilltops as though from hollow well?
With the sword they shalt smite you,
And ring you to the end.
So beware thy doom draws near now.
And to thee may hate commend.
The Dark King to his Slave-

I am not half the craven thou doth thinkest me to be.
I will carve a way to freedom,
Or this throne bloody leave.
Though they hew my power wrongly,
I will best them at this trap.
You may mock me now my child,
But I own the last laugh.
I am lord and I am master.
This much life must obey,
And if you grovel sweetly,
My grace will save thee pain.
Kneel before thy tyrant, if tyrant thou holdest me,
And know my name is Morgoth.
For Arda means me.

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