Bewildered by Dawn Felagund
Fanwork Notes
Written for the Silmarillion40 event.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Not all of the Eldar believed Valinor would be superior to Middle-earth. Having followed the man she loves from the land she loved also, Míriel struggles to cope with a strange life in a strange new land. Major Characters: Finwë, Ingwë, Míriel Serindë, Uinen Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 4, 639 |
Posted on 20 September 2017 | Updated on 20 September 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Read Bewildered
The rising city of Tirion still wore its bones outside its body. I'd been squinting at my work for hours uncounted, and my eyes wished to adjust to neither the distance nor the brightness of this new land. But I could see the scaffolding rising to clasp the tower; I could see the crane and its movements, slight and gentle at this distance, and I could infer the scurrying movements of workers upon both, effecting the great symbolic placement of the lamp upon the top of the tower.
"I suppose you don't have to be present at its raising," Finwë had said this morning at breakfast, when I'd announced my plans to go to the shadowy place on the shoulder of the mountain to work, and I knew that the sudden sweetness in his voice cloaked a bewilderment that I would not think to even suggest attendance. But, in truth, I'd forgotten. Every day brought him dashing home, crowing with our people's latest accomplishment: the hill mounded and the streets carved and stones placed and towers raised. It all blurred together, like objects at a distance. And now the lamp, this great glass thing, another point of light in an already refulgent land, as yet darkened except for the natural play of light upon its carefully sculpted surface, raised to the top of a tower. And I was supposed to crick my neck watching it transpire.
My eye caught a dart of light beneath the gentle, bobbing head of the crane. Or at such a distance, maybe it was my imagination.
My head was beginning to hurt. I looked away and back to my work, the embroidery in my lap. There was a vibrant tangle of threads spilling from my work bag, and I'd done the borders in coral and gold, to honor Laurelin, but in the middle, I found myself falling back into comfortable selections of blue and gray, and black for shadows.
Finwë was careful and specific in inviting me to the lighting of the great glass lamp atop the tower he'd secretly and eagerly confided to me would be called Mindon Eldaliéva after his friend Ingwë. Finwë did nothing without eagerness, but he was tentative when he invited me, as though crossing a fast river by way of a slippery and treacherous rock. The slippery, treacherous rock was me. "The lighting will be seven cycles of the Trees from this day," he said. "I would like you to attend?"
He might have sounded authoritative--kingly--if not for the lilt into a question at the end. It was night but there was yet Light: silver Light passing between the drapes he'd opened and giving hard, frosted edges to the wineglasses and bottle still left on the table. We used to both eat and drink from carved wooden bowls. We'd moved into the house--or the palace, as he called it--only a short while ago, on the top of the hill he'd raised. A crate, opened but still packed, spilled straw in one corner; my loom stood in another, a tapestry of the Great Journey half-finished and dulled by the endless white dust of construction. All but the chairs we sat in were humped under cloths woven by the apprentices of Vairë solely for this strange purpose: things made to keep clean other things dirtied in the process of making yet more things. Things unneeded to preserve more unneeded things. Each cloth could have clad four of us in the lands over the sea. Now they kept dust from chairs we'd obtained in such abundance that most were still unsat upon, when once we'd had no chairs and only earth. My head ached to think of it.
I rubbed the bridge of my nose.
Finwë interpreted that as an objection to attending the lighting of the great glass lamp, the Mindon Eldalieva, although I did not intend it as such. "Míriel, you are their queen, it will be expected--"
"You know I prefer not to think of myself that way. I am not the greatest of them." A hesitation, a contemplation, and words like the thrust of a blade between bones to something tender beneath: "Neither are you."
His fingers slid up and down the stem of his wineglass. Up and down, dipping in and out of the silver Light.
"I do not object to attending," I assured him, meaning reassurance, but he didn't hear that. He nodded.
The next morning, I regretted the inadvertent hurt I caused him. It was the pain: My headaches were fierce here. Unlike the others, I had not adapted: to the vast and empty spaces, to the arching starless sky, to the Light. It was hard to explain to him, who was not the best but was certainly the bravest of our people, who bled more than once on the Great Journey and simply bound his wounds and onward went without complaint.
"I don't understand what you mean by 'headache,'" he told me once. "Like you hit your head? Shall I cut some ice for you?"
I never excused myself with such again.
So I walked with him at the worksite of the Mindon Eldaliéva without being asked. It was hard to imagine such a place ready for a ceremony in only six cycles of the Trees. The area at its base was littered with construction implements. The scaffolding teetered high above us. White dust covered everything; I trailed my fingertips along a sawhorse and they came away powdered with the dust of pulverized stone. There was something that glittered in the dust, poignant scintillations in the interminable Light. Even the dust here did not soften and dull things but flashed and sparked, an excess upon excess of Light.
Pounding feet down a ladder on the scaffolding showered me with a light fall of the same dust. Finwë was talking to a engineer, unfurling plans and pointing and gesturing at the page, then at the sky, then at the page. I remembered her from the journey, making a shelter from branches and reeds for a woman in childbirth. Hammerfalls rang upon a chisel; the graceful curves of a woman's body emerged from pale stone. Vines flourished from her hand: Yavanna. I squinted up at the tower. It was tall enough that its top was concealed from such a vantage point. Manwë, I am sure, embraced the lamp there.
The Light was deepening into the gold of Laurelin's zenith. Sweat crawled down my spine. I looked with longing at the shadow of the tower and its relative coolness. The deep places of the forest summoned me in the thrumming weariness I felt, weariness for heat and, yes, Light. I touched Finwë's arm.
He turned. Concern was etched on his face but melted away as he lifted a hand and brushed the backs of his fingers along the fall of my hair. "The Light on the dust in the silver of your hair!" he exclaimed, and fell breathless. "You are like Varda! You are beautiful."
Finwë was my joy there. Finwë and my work.
I did know joy. I forgot at times that I did. I embroidered in gray, like colors still did not exist to me. I was at first astounded by them, by the skeins of thread presented to me by Vairë's apprentices when the Valië heard that the wife of the Noldorin king was a seamstress and a weaver in the awkward sense that we understood those terms in the Outer Lands. I was suddenly alive to the possibilities, to gold and red and violet and green. But my work always turned to gray, in the subtle shadings by which beauty was understood by one who knew only the light of stars. Even in a world afflicted by color at every turn, too much color looked false.
Not to Finwë. He delighted in the vibrant embroidery on the hems of his tunics, the more vivid the better: pink and orange with turquoise stars. "I always believed in the colors," he said. "I could sense them beneath the gray."
Oromë had told us of them when we were still at Cuiviénen and still knew the world only in shades of blue and gray: told the Noldor who would be moved by the possibility of creation in a dimension we'd yet to consider. Indeed, many shifted forward in their seats, Finwë--he was not my husband then, only once or twice a lover; we did not yet have husbands--among them. I spoke rarely, but I spoke then: "We know of colors," I said. "We see them in the firelight."
"But the colors beneath the Trees are like nothing you've imagined," said Oromë, gesturing expansively, as though he summoned the full splendor of a rainbow to arch over him. But there was only the stars, ever-watching.
I let Finwë into my bower that night. Alone, I lived in the shelter of a branch so laden with foliage that it brushed the earth. "I would love to see you clad in the colors he mentioned," Finwë told me, "adorned in flowers, in every color imaginable." Finwë always intimated something larger between us, but I believed he was probably like that with everyone, and I knew he never slept alone. Even before he saw Valinor, he was bright-eyed and eager to please. In my bower, beneath the touch of his hands, I believed that the world tilted along with me at its center. He was an attentive lover, as though he enjoyed my pleasure as much as his own. When he departed, I felt adrift.
I confess that I sought to bring him into my company in the days that followed and then the Great Journey. I was often at his elbow, my quick mind and rapid, quiet voice delivering solutions to our problems. With more consideration, we might have fared better, but I would not have turned his head and attracted his notice, much less his admiration. And we all arrived at the Sea, more or less intact.
That was where he asked me to marry him.
He and Ingwë spent the day with Ulmo. I could see them, seated on the rocks with their arms wrapping their folded knees, like children hearing a story. And maybe they were. Ulmo told us much of the great deeds of his people and the war they fought for our preservation. But when they returned, shoulder to shoulder and faces inclined to the other, whispering the half-formed phrases of one who knows the other's mind, they abruptly split. I watched Ingwë gather up the golden, lovely maiden who had captured his eye of late, and he led her away.
Finwë came to me and rocked on his feet and talked about the Sea for a long while before he asked me. And I was bewildered.
What is this thing? Marriage? Sovereignty? I was bewildered, understanding neither thing he wanted of me, and he struggled to explain. Whatever understanding Ulmo had given him had not penetrated deeply.
"How can I govern another?" I asked. "I know so little. I stitch our clothing and make things lovely when I can, but how could I instruct another in fishing? Or making shelter--or even fire!--or cooking food, or carving stones, or scribing letters--"
"It is not like that." He ran his hand through his hair. "It made great sense when Ulmo explained it."
"But it is not the way of things! All roots in the forest mingle, and even here at the Sea, all fish swim in the same water."
"It is though, Þerindë. The eagle is above the mouse--"
"The eagle eats the mouse. And at the top of them all? Isn't that the Dark One whom your Shining Ones took away?"
He sighed and looked out at the Sea. For a long while, he was silent, and I was convinced that I'd mastered the arguments of Ulmo by reminding him of the ways of the world: the ways he could see would he turn away from that Light in the West and toward what lay before him. And perhaps I had, but when he turned back and spoke at last, with uncharacteristic exhaustion shading his voice, he said, "It may be, Þerindë, but what Ulmo said made sense. It is hard to say now because I have just learned it myself. It is like any new skill and needs mastery before it can be taught. But it made sense enough … I accepted. I accepted the kingship of our people. And I need a wife. A queen. And … I'd like it to be you."
And so it was. If I were to remain at his side, I'd have to consent to these things: this marriage, this sovereignty. I'd have to trust in the Shining Ones he so openly adored but I mistrusted in the way of our people to always tread lightly near any new thing, people who had learned much by pain before the Shining Ones took notice of us. And suddenly my heart was full of love for Finwë. It was a sudden, desperate love borne of the realization that he could be taken from me. If I did not consent, he would pass across the Sea and become a king in this land of Light and color, he'd become the husband of another, and I'd remain here, and I'd be joyless, and alone.
So I'd stepped onto the island with him and stood steady as it was unmoored, and I watched the land of our awakening diminish behind us into it was only an inky stripe on the horizon, then gone, leaving only the Sea around us. Finwë and Ingwë were always busy, for the journey would be long. Finwë hewed wood and gathered stone to build us shelters, and Ingwë guided his people in the growing of food. Ulmo had gifted me with fabric and thread, so I was far from idle, although neither was I particularly useful. There was a long, smooth rock that thrust like a thumb into the Sea, and I would sit upon that, where the starlight was uninterrupted by trees and I was unbothered by my people, busy building the village inland, and I'd embroider my memories of the land I'd left behind. As though, in the burning Light of the Blessed Realm before me, I might one day forget the fine texture of shadow.
There was Finwë amid many others, some of them left behind. There was my bower with the heavy branches. There was the flat beach on the lake where we made fires. There was the stone where Rúmil carved our stories; in that way, I became the first to render his Sarati in embroidery. There was the place where my sister was taken. There was the path Oromë opened where we commenced the Great Journey, the underbrush peeling aside like it shied from us. The mountains like the teeth of beasts, occluding the stars before us. The people who stayed. The back of Elwë as I saw him going into the forest, never to return. Finwë clasping his knees and listening to Ulmo. The Sea. And all of it--joyful and fearful and sad--scattered with stars.
I don't know when I first became aware of her, or even how--perhaps as a slapping of water on my rock that sounded like a summons. Or a reproach. Or a trickle of commiseration when I stabbed my finger with my bone needle.
Then my name, Þerindë, soughing in the waves.
Then fingers of seagrass on my rock and, when I looked closer, upon the water like a woman's hair as she reclined to bathe. The starlight silvered the crests of the waves. Two points lay beneath the water. I looked heavenward, expecting perhaps a pair of the overbright wayward stars that sometimes traversed half the sky before dipping back the way they came, but nothing was there, only the path where Varda had drawn her hand, thick with stars. The points lay in the water like a pair of silvery eyes in the brush. I set my work aside and reached into the water.
And she was there.
Leaning on her forearms on my rock, her hair dark and wet and mantling her shoulders. Her small breasts were bared, her skin was as brown as the weeds that washed ashore. Her slender waist ended nowhere that I could see beneath the water. "Þerindë," she said. "You are the queen I have heard tell of, the nimble-fingered, clever, and outspoken queen, are you not?"
"I am Þerindë," I said, "and I am the things you said, but I am no queen."
She dipped her mouth against her arm as though to hide laughter. "You are exactly as they say. I am Uinen."
"As who says?"
"Ulmo and Ossë. They say you are easy in accepting nothing."
"I do not know how they would draw such a conclusion. I've spoken with neither of them." It was true. Many of my people--especially among the late-born Nelyar--had conversed often with the men of the waters. Some of their women, I recalled, had made mention of Uinen. But I'd learned swiftly, while yet at Cuiviénen, that to countermand one of the Ainur had the opposite effect of persuasion and, instead, encouraged my hearers to stubbornness and resentment. I'd listened at times to Ulmo's stories--we all had--and Finwë spoke often to both of them--though never Uinen, as far as I knew--but I had kept to my place and my work and my silence.
"Nonetheless, your reputation precedes you, Þerindë," she said. Water lapped suddenly and soaked the edge of the fabric I'd been embroidering. Her eyes glided shut with the motion of a wave receding and her head tipped back as though savoring something. "Your work is very fine," she added after a moment. "That was true as well. Vairë will rejoice to receive you."
"Finwë has not mentioned you," I said.
Ducking behind her arm, her eyes lighting with the sudden reflection of stars. "Because I only speak to women."
I opened my mouth to ask why, but with a curling wave that leaped against the rock and into a spray of silvered droplets, she was gone.
Yet she returned, most days that I worked upon my rock, and over time, I came to look forward to her company. Unlike Ulmo, she did not captivate my attention with stories but with her frankness and her wisdom.
"You will be bewildered there." It was perhaps our third meeting. "They did not tell you this, when they summoned you thence."
Her words startled me, but I forced myself to keep my hand moving through the stitches, briskly and evenly. "I am to be queen, am I not?" I challenged her. "Is not the land partly mine to shape?"
She bit her wrist as though to suppress laughter. "Oh, Þerindë. You go into a world that they have made. There are no queens and kings, not in nature--of that you spoke truly to Finwë. Only Ilúvatar--and they used His supremacy as a pretense to crown Manwë, but Manwë is no more the best of us than Finwë is the best of your people, or you. In some ways he is. In others, he is utterly bereft. There are things he is incapable of knowing that Ossë and I understand in our depths. Like evil. We understand that hunger swiftly becomes cruelty, and that the One made us with that need so that we might fight when needed to survive; we understand how he whom you call the Dark One could come to be. Yet we are not king and queen, though there may yet come a time when what we know will prove of greater value than Manwë's farsight.
"It will bewilder you, this land they have made. It will be like nothing you have ever known, and they will hem you with their laws that you will mislike and will not understand. But you are their queen. You have the nature of a woman. You must provide the constancy; you must not forget what you have learned of Endórë. Though you were snatched away too soon, you learned much of that land. And do not forget what you have learned of the Sea, and of me. And do not forget the beauty of shadows and stars. Your husband will be a good king to your people, but it is by you only that your people will not forsake Endórë and the lessons they once knew."
She tucked her lips against her arm again, but this time, it did not suppress laughter. My quick, even stitches had faltered. The tip of the bone needle stuck into the fabric, but I'd yet to push it through. Our gazes locked and held for a long moment, and I recalled the anger of Ossë on the day we departed, and I recalled the constancy of most of our journey. I only speak to women. My mind suddenly teemed with questions. My lips parted. But a wavelet cast itself against the rock, shattering into one thousand droplets, bright then gone.
Finwë was full of chatter that night at supper, after we went to see the worksite of the Mindon Eldaliéva. He leaned forward and close to his plate, and spoke around his food as he'd been counseled not to do by the Maiar who'd come to teach us the ways and customs of sovereignty. It was heady to listen to him, as he built his city of Tirion in words and imagination. I caught myself leaning forward too and nodding. That sensation I'd thought I'd left behind in the Outer Lands--that certainty that his eyes rested ever on the center of the world, and I stood upon it--returned to me. My pain dispersed, and my bewilderment ceased. I stopped him from time to time to ask a question, often to unveil a weakness I sensed in his plan. The streets he'd paved in his mind were unpaved and then laid anew. Towers tumbled and rose in new shapes. The food on our plates went cold, then was taken by an unnoticed servant, as our voices contended far into the night.
His hand reached across the table to clasp mine. "I am so grateful to you, Þerindë. I made the right choice of a queen to our people."
His hopes emerged from his words with the same sharpening as embroidery progresses from a singular splash of color, then acquires shape and shading, and then becomes as the thing it represents, clear and real. "I am no queen," I answered. "But I am glad to be your wife." But my voice lack its usual conviction, even I could hear that. His hand tightened on mine. His eyes laughed.
I went with him to his chamber that night. That was one of the bewildering ways of the Valar in this land they'd made and brought us to: that we maintain separate chambers at opposite sides of the palace, with the king looking toward the Light and the queen toward the Sea. On the Great Journey, I'd awakened often in need and would awaken and rouse him so that it might be alleviated, but now I slept alone, so the need often as not arose no longer. Our first coupling was made frantic by long deprivation. We filled the palace with our shouts and left the bedclothes awry. The second time was slower, a coaxing of each other that extended through the silver hours of the Trees, the kind of simmering pleasure with hands and mouths we hadn't known since Cuiviénen and my bower that bent to the earth. Telperion had dipped into slumber and Laurelin arose, and the half-formed city beneath us slept, when Finwë slid atop me and I twined my legs around his slender waist.
In the Mingling of the Lights, lying in his arms as he slept beside me, the feeling in my belly was suddenly that of a question, often asked and long unanswered. It would whisper to me on the Great Journey, but all of us women turned our faces away and refused to answer then. It is not the way of our people to get with child when we cannot trust safety for the birth. We were justified in our refusal. But now, in the Light and the silence of the night, the question was louder and more pressing.
Uinen's words came to me then: It is by you only that your people will not forsake Endórë and the lessons they once knew. I saw her leaning her forearms on my rock, tilting her head in inquiry.
"Not yet," I whispered and did not know why. There would come a time when I would answer--when I would have no choice but to answer--but not this night. Finwë and I would remain as two separate people; my womb would remain barren. For now. As Laurelin's splendor crept across the night, I slipped from Finwë's arms and back to my own room.
For the next five days, I watched the bones the tower wore outside its body slowly come away. I watched from the shoulder of the mountain and the shadow of the forest, from a place where Light happened elsewhere and apart from me. I kept waiting for the tower to wobble and topple--sometimes I watched so intently that my embroidery went untouched for hours--but it stood: my husband's mark of our people's presence in this land.
As Laurelin receded and I walked home, I passed those of the Vanyar who were already departing, even before my husband did honor to their king in proclaiming the tower he made in his name. They were going to Taniquetil, far above the earth, to learn more of the Valar and forget what we knew of the lands we'd left behind. Finwë had so worried over my attendance at the lamp's lighting, I wondered if he'd neglected to ask the friend he intended to honor.
But come the day of the lamp-lighting, Ingwë was there, and he accepted the naming of the tower after him and had the good graces not to tell my husband then that he would not long live beside him, in the twin palaces Finwë had built, though he would depart for Taniquetil within the year. He did give a speech--a bit overlong, a bit more flowery than the rallying encouragements he'd once launched at us from atop boulders on the journey--that spoke of ascendancy beyond what we might build. That dwarfed the accomplishment of the Mindon even as its light flared forth, new upon the brilliance of Valinor.
I dreamed that night, in my queen's chamber facing east and the Sea, that I climbed the tower, hands and feet finding purchase upon the knees and breasts and shoulders of the carven Valar. They did not clasp me but I used their bodies as I needed to climb. Above me, the blue light of the Mindon spread thin and blue, a screen between me and the stars. When I reached the top, the stone that made all of that light was small, tiny enough to fit where the lines of my palm intersected. I imagined closing my hand upon it and watching the light spear out from between my fingers.
I turned east. I wanted to see the light on the leaping waves of the Sea. I wanted to tease apart the shades of darkness on shadowy water and descry strands of slick hair, starlit eyes, a laughing mouth hidden behind a kelp-brown arm. Clinging to the hand of Manwë, backlit by the tiny blue stone, in my dream I spoke to her and said, "You were right."
But then my grip failed. Where was stone was only air. Bewildered, I fell.
(1) Comment by Lyra for Bewildered
Wow, this is some thought-provoking stuff. As always, you manage to bring such life and detail to those rather abstract ideas of the Great Journey and the building of Tirion that it feels quite real, in spite of such fairy-tale elements as floating islands and Treelight. The idea that Míriel might have been opposed to the journey but followed Finwë for the sake of love is not something I've considered before, but it feels very believable (and happens often enough in the real world, doesn't it!). You bring her inner life across very colourfully (pun fully intended) and movingly. I feel somewhat sorry for her! Especially with the knowledge of what is going to happen in her future. But I am glad that she is not wholly passive, but outspoken and quite essential for Finwë to be a succesful king, pointing out flaws and suggesting improvements to his plans, and keeping the memory of Cuiviénen alive. (Which she may continue to do even after death? Sort of?) I loved your Uinen, too. Her thoughts about Manwë's lack of understanding for "evil" (or the violence that grows out of hunger, anyway) and the rules set up by the Valar are quite astute.
But you also managed to make Finwë (mostly) likeable, despite his failure to understand her troubles and his absolute faith in what the Valar tell him; his love and trust for Míriel get across, and that is also important in a story that focuses a lot on Míriel's lack of happiness that one might otherwise easily blame completely on Finwë (and, of course, those pesky Valar).
In conclusion, you've pulled off yet another fantastic tale about the not-so-bright sides of the Blessed Realm without resorting to simple blacks and whites. I'm so glad you found the time to write it!
Re: (1) Comment by Lyra for Bewildered
I almost didn't! Find the time, that is. :) It was a zero-hour completion; we ended up with out-of-town family staying with us unexpectedly at the beginning of the week, the last day I had to write. And of course, I'd put it off till then! But I didn't have much of a choice. I could hardly flake on the event I organized! When I reread it before posting it yesterday (after a tough day at work), I was happy with it. I'm really glad it worked for you. ^_^
> (Which she may continue to do even after death? Sort of?)
I was hinting at Feanor and Feanor's role in seeing the virtues of Middle-earth, and eventually returning their people there. So yes, she certainly does! :)
> Her thoughts about Manwë's lack of understanding for "evil" (or the violence that grows out of hunger, anyway) and the rules set up by the Valar are quite astute.
It's always puzzled me that the Valar would accept as their leader someone who is incapable of understanding the basic nature of their primary enemy. It's like the original ineffectual political appointment!
> But you also managed to make Finwë (mostly) likeable
I adore Finwe myself and see him as a sympathetic character. I write him a lot like Bobby, actually: this amazingly good, kind, lovable person whom everyone adores. He does not always understand but he always tries. (I think Miriel might be surprised if she trusted him with more.)
Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Lyra. And for all you've done for Silmarillion40! (I haven't forgotten to move those ficlets. Just been overwhelmed--hopefully this weekend! <3)
(2) Comment by hennethgalad for Bewildered
'we used to eat from carved wooden bowls'. great rags to riches thing.
and also the cats-cradle of opposites, light/dark, cat/dog (oh, he's such a puppy, 'crowing' about his work, eager to please etc) (and she is practically purring, and definitely has her tail curled round her feet) boy/girl king/queen forwards-looking/traditional etc great stuff !
shame about the sunburn (Treeburn ?). i liked the sinister sea-folk too, very edgy.
you paint moving pictures, more like Vairë's tapestries than Miriel's ! i can really see them, her rubbing the bridge of her nose, or them talking excitedly and forgetting to eat, or the lads sitting on the beach carving the world up between them, heheheh. great stuff. poor Miriel, poor Fëanor (oh no, Silmarillion tears...)
Re: (2) Comment by hennethgalad for Bewildered
> great rags to riches thing.
Yes! She is skeptical of that unnecessary excess. (My husband and I moved from fancy dishes to wooden bowls--we ate out of our wooden bowls tonight--so she's definitely reflecting my own principles here.)
> the sinister sea-folk
The sea is my favorite place in the world. It is beautiful and inspiring--I never leave without stories pounding inside my head to get out--but I'm always so conscious of how ... yes *sinister* it can also be. :) Sea gods, as a result, are among my favorite to think about and write. I think they'd be complicated. JRRT didn't do much with Uinen, but Osse has always appealed immensely to me as one of the few among the non-Melkor Maiar who openly rebelled.
> the lads sitting on the beach carving the world up between them
OMG--I love this!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting. And for such kind and insightful words too. :)
(3) Comment by Lordnelson100 for Bewildered
Finwe and Miriel: why cultures need no-fault divorce.
My headaches were fierce here. Unlike the others, I had not adapted: to the vast and empty spaces, to the arching starless sky, to the Light.
Even the dust here did not soften and dull things but flashed and sparked, an excess upon excess of Light.
What is this thing? Marriage? Sovereignty?
And now you've made me hate Elf-heaven. Thanks Obama!
In all seriousness, this is such a wonderful piece. Instead of Miriel being defined primarily by a single cataclysm of pregnancy and exhuastion, she rep's for the huge cultureal shift that the Elves are going through.
Valinor is the place of bright lights, hierarchy, law, fixed masculine/feminine roles, authority/the Valar, cities, even as the ancient Cuiviénen era of Middle-earth is forest, starlight, and a world before fixed gender roles, religion, and law. One is Finwe, the other Miriel.
And she goes on to be associated with female god-figures: Uinen/the sea, Vaire/weaving.
That is a fascinating reading!
Re: (3) Comment by Lordnelson100 for Bewildered
I am definitely guilty as charged for ruining Elf-heaven! :) Besides this site, you could probably call it my fandom career. I remember a fandom friend, now more than a decade ago, saying that she thought Valinor would be a dreadfully boring place. I never could see it that way, or as anything but humanity in all its complexity under a veneer of perfection. (Which is itself a sort of trauma for Feanor--and in this story, Miriel as well--imo.)
> she rep's for the huge cultureal shift that the Elves are going through.
Yes! Yay! That's exactly what I was going for. I'm glad it came through. (Writing this was done with more haste and stress than I generally want. I had a moment's panic the other day, after a few days of not working on it, that I was going to pick it up again and find that what I'd done completely sucked.)
I've never been able to imagine moving from a place like Cuivienen to a place like Valinor as anything but culture shock. (Part of that is that I don't see the Elves as compliant with the laws of the Valar until they had no choice.)
Thank you so much for such a kind and thoughtful comment! ^_^
(4) Comment by Robinka for Bewildered
The land of everlasting happiness turned into a marble trap? And the compromise and adapting cost ultimately cost Miriel her life, because to stay true to herself, she chose to die. Perhaps her love for Finwe wasn't enough...
I think Miriel here is the epitome of all who doubted -- they had to leave too much behind, and the future seemed like a cage to her, the cage fashioned by those who wanted everyone else to follow their rule. And the most symbolic scene for that is (forgive my Sindarin heart) when she observed Elwe go back to the woods, never to return.
Well, who'd have known? Her son was rebellious enough to destroy that trap, that cage, but at what cost...
This is an outstanding piece. I read it yesterday, and I don't think I've told you everything I'd like here, but my mind doesn't cooperate because it's still rather dazed from the experience (in a good way!). Thank you so much!
Re: (4) Comment by Robinka for Bewildered
Thank you, Binka! ^_^ Miriel is definitely in a pickle in this story, and it is only through her death that the Noldor regain their freedom in Middle-earth ... or that's how she and Feanor would see it. :) These stories come about because I am guilty myself of doubting. I have just never seen how the Noldor--those paragons of creative drive--could be content in a place where their talents serve merely to adorn the already beautiful, like Miriel's observation of the light of the Mindon upon the already existing (and superior) capital-L-Light. I know myself as a creative person, and I always want to shape the world for the better. And that comes out in the characters I connect most with, like Miriel and Feanor.
I'm also fond of the image of Elwe walking into the woods; I'm glad you picked up on it. YOU would pick up on it! :D
Thank you again. *hugs*
(5) Comment by just_jenni for Bewildered
I was blown away by this. When I imagined what the ideal story for this collection should be to do justice to the Silm in all possible ways, this is the type of story I envisioned (but was too worn out to do myself).
Such lovely descriptions of Aman and wonderful use of color is only part of it. Miriel's character is so beautifully written though...she's so real here and completely sympathetic.
There were so many parts I loved that I would have to quote the whole thing, but my favorites were probably the descriptions of the sea and the people therein.
While I love heresy (and know you do too) if there is any in this story it's so gentle as to be almost unnoticeable. It's hard for me to not insult the Valar even unintentionally - I remember as soon as I read some of Claudio's work from ten or so years ago I immediately glommed onto his concept of the Valar (and Vanyar) as objects of derision. But sometimes I just love to read a beautiful story about them which doesn't insult them in any way at all.
Congrats, Dawn. You've written something so, so special here.
Re: (5) Comment by just_jenni for Bewildered
Oh wow, Jenni, that's such a kind thing to say. And to think I worried over this one! (But when *don't* we worry over our stories, right? In the moment, compared to what I see in my imagination as I try to write, they seem so inadequate.)
I think you've been steeped in heresy so long that you probably don't see it as heretical anymore! ;) There is also the fact that the fandom has changed in the last ten years to where I no longer have people at my elbow, cautioning me to mark a story like this as AU, since canatics couldn't *possibly* conceive of the Elves as anything more than enthusiastic about Valinor. Or that Elves get headaches. Or had different values from the Valar. Etc. And I will spare myself the burns of flames by pretending like these things aren't even possible.
I'm glad we've moved on, as a fandom, to where those things are no longer so contentious. (Of course, there are new contentious things now, but that's another story. :)
Thank you so much for reading and for sharing such kind encouragement with me! ^_^
(6) Comment by oshun for Bewildered
Quintessential Dawn! It is silmultaneously psychological and yet so vivid and viseral. I wanted to reach for heavy-duty prescription sunglasses when reading about her reaction to the light and the headaches! (I get a lot of eyestrain headaches myself.) All I have are dollar-store knockoffs made in China. I always totally relate on the most mundane levels to points in your stories.
Actually, those are what make your stories so transcendent--the small details well told are so much better at bringing your reader to sense of emotional intelligence about the characters and empathy with them than oceans of musings about how a character feels and philosophical yammering and meandering and smug, sly hints (which despite studying English lit, I almost also miss! Who wants to be lectured in such an ethereal, sneaky kind of way in a story? I can count on you to never do that! But does not mean your fiction is not challenging.)
I love Finwe here. He is good, big-hearted, and maybe blustering at times, so aglow with his own enthusiasm and optimism. It always feels to me like he was very successful at saving and leading his people for a long, long time using exactly those skills. We should not harshly judge people for doing the best that they can, even when it proves to be not enough. How could he have put himself in her shoes? He trusts her to understand him and usually agree or explicitly argue, but instead she can't always read him either. He over-estimates her sense of confidence, confusing her keen intelligence with certainty. (There is a extrovert/introvert thing going on here--but it's more complicated than that.) He's seen her argue her case and win, how is he supposed to know that she harbors unspoken doubts and a profound discomfort that she is unwilling to reveal?
Should he have blown-off the Valar and let most of them be picked off one-by-one in the shadows of Middle-earth under starlight? Probably not. But there are no hard rights or wrongs here, only shades of gray. Poor Miriel--born perhaps in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or exactly the right time--but that's another story and does not necessarily dovetail with yours.
All of the foreshadowing of Feanor and her eventual terminal fatigue is clear and yet lightly rendered--no beating the reader over the head with a club.
Nothing about the story reads like you finished in a rush. It's very smooth.
Another keeper! Thanks and congrats! I'm jealous (again!).
Re: (6) Comment by oshun for Bewildered
I will admit that I lean heavily on those small details. I enjoy them in the books I read, although I do sometimes worry (perhaps a symptom of being at the mark of having written about 100 Silmfics) that my writing is formulaic and predictable and leans on the same techniques to get a reaction ... like our conversation last week about Stephen King! It's a relief to hear that they work for you so I can keep using them. Now as for flashbacks ...
I can't stand those philosophical yammerings. I find them insulting to my intelligence. Show me the character; show me their life; trust that I am smart enough to figure it out for myself. If ever I reach the point of writing text walls about feelings and philosophy, please clobber me with something!
The capital-L-Light ... I've never been able to wrap my brain around how people could function fine under *just* starlight and then tra-la-la-lally head off to Valinor and be equally comfortable under capital-L-Light. I suppose I should suspend my disbelief here--I mean, the issue of how plants grew and how the Quendi fed themselves in minimal light is surely more pressing--but it's one of those things that always bugged me. A physical manifestation of what I imagine must have also been a degree of psychological/moral shock. I mean, these were people who suffered prolonged trauma in Middle-earth; are they just ... okay now? And they lived in almost complete darkness and are just ... okay with Treelight?
I think your observation that there are no hard rights or wrongs is spot-on. That's what makes this whole story of the Noldor so compelling to me. It's possible to point a lot of fingers but not possible to assign a lot of unequivocal blame. Given my own inclinations, I'm mostly inclined to blame the Valar, who seemed to be exercising a sort of reverse colonialism in their attempt to procure a horde of beautiful, pointy-eared pets. I don't have a lot of sympathy for them, although that's also my biases and distrust of power and authority at work here. ;) But among the Elves, I can't blame Miriel or Finwe or even Feanor, who were all operating within particularly difficult circumstances.
I certainly don't blame Finwe. I like my Finwe a lot; he is heavily patterned after Bobby: personable, generous-hearted, and optimistic. I think he was, as a general rule, a good leader to his people. I agree that there is a limit to the extent that one can put oneself in another person's shoes, and that is what is going on with Miriel. She buttons up quickly, i.e., when he asks for clarification on what she means by "headache" and she assumes he won't understand and just never mentions it again.
I wrote rather leisurely and was ahead of the deadline for this batch of stories right up till the end of the scene with Uinen. Then, on the day of the deadline, we lost the author for the first day of the Silm40, and I started to rush to put something together (because of all days to not have something splendid to offer!) And of course, this got pushed aside and was picked up only once I had no choice because it was due the next day, and under added duress of having family unexpectedly visit. (Even though I enjoyed them very much!) So really only the end was rushed, in honesty. But I'm glad it's not glaringly obvious.
Thank you for reading and for your always insightful comments! I always look forward to your reviews so much.
(8) Comment by Hrymfaxe for Bewildered
I cannot for the life of me understand how I did not leave a review when I first read this. It's such a gorgeous terrible story of finding yourself in a place and situation that is wholly foreign and mostly unpleasant to you, and not having any way of making things better, because, try as they might, no one really understands what is happening to you.
I love Uinen - I want to paint this dangerous, wise, fey woman. She tries to warn Miriel, but also knows that it is inevetable. I enjoyed how cleanly she sliced through the rules and regulations of the Valar. And I was also really struck by the fact that Finwë was unable to explain why they should so suddenly change their entire way of life and adapt to customs that were not theirs. (not to mention how I despised the Valar - like colonialists coming to a land and telling everyone they are living the Wrong Way! urgh.)
I'm glad they had Miriel to remember the old times for them. Though I'm sad for her that her love led to her such a place.
(9) Comment by Himring for Bewildered
Such massive cultural changes--from Cuivienen to the long journey to Valinor itself and all done by the same people rather than successive generations. And then the radical change of physical environment as well.
I'm not sure whether Miriel's headaches are technically migraines, but the way they are described they hit her (and us) with the intensity of a migraine and the visual distortion that sometimes accompanies migraines.
With all that, she still retains her competence and sharpness, even as she is (in that last dream/metaphor) she is losing her grip.
(10) Comment by Independence1776 for Bewildered
Oh, Míriel… I just want to embrace her. Her pain and dazzlement at Valinor's brightness in contrast to Endórë and the difference in lifestyles is heartrending. (And that apart from me being light sensitive myself, so I doubly feel for her.)