All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

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Uinen discovers the kinslaying. For Jubilee instadrabbling, a perfect drabble for the prompt, "The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea."

Uinen tasted: salt but different, salt but like the wearing of rocks, salt but like—


The sea in its desolation hungers. Uinen slipped toward the source. Red would bloom green. New life flourish. Her hands reached, craved, grasped

but she cradled

A mariner.
A mariner he sang songs to her, let her sluice away the blood of his catch, washed his hands upon her hungering face, he

The wound—dire like from the teeth of sharks but not sharks,

She washed it, to no avail. She washed it until his kin came, carried him in his seaweed shroud away.

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