All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

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Sunship, Reprise

The sunship's launching, from the perspective of the other side of the sea. A perfect drabble for Jubilee instadrabbling, written for the four words (from "On Fairy-stories"): beauties, terrors, sun, power.

When the Sunfire first rose, the world stood forth in such beauty that the Quendi wept to look upon it. Colors muted by starlight stood forth in such splendor that the landscape was crazed with it. Light spangled upon sapphire-bright rivers and ponds. The Quendi forgot food and sleep and love in their wonderment.

The terror it brought came slowly to the land. Green things withered. A hunter returned, riddled with blisters, keening in pain, his flesh red as though boiled. Cracks gaped in the earth.

The Quendi retreated under cloak and shadow, diminished beneath the power of the West.

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