Prisoner by Uvatha the Horseman

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Fanwork Notes

Author's Notes - In writing this, I was greatly influenced by the amazing story, "Elegy for Númenor" by elfscribe, who came up with the idea that Sauron could control people by putting images into their minds, as well as the wonderful curse words involving Ossë.

Fanwork Information


A fanfic of elfscribe's "Elegy to Numenor" in which Sauron, recently taken prisoner by Ar-Pharazon, puts terrifying visions into the minds of his guards. (He's being a jerk because he's bored.)

Major Characters: Ar-Pharazôn, Sauron

Major Relationships:



Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 935
Posted on 16 August 2015 Updated on 16 August 2015

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Prisoner

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Oh, I like your Sauron here -- more evil and viciously otherworldly than mine. I think of a Nosferatu type character. Those visions would be very upsetting to deal with and gave me a shiver.  I also liked your explanation of how he was caught when his army buggered off. 

I particularly like your depiction of the guards -- liked their language which sounds authentic, with the humor: 

Forsa laughed. "He can't scare me. I used to go out with his sister."

"Can you hold down the fort? I need to go drown some ants."

It was quite visual too -- I could really see what was happening. I enjoyed your take on Sauron's capture!  Cheers!