Sexing your Herp
The sex (and gender) of reptiles can be difficult to determine. Perhaps not only for human beings.
(Glaurung, Ancalagon)
Teens (mild sexual content, crack)
‘If you would only care to make me the happiest of dragons!’
Glaurung’s voice trembled, now he finally had gathered the courage to make his request. Nervously he waited for his answer. He cast admiring looks at the unfolding huge black wings, mighty and strong and yet delicate like the sumptuous ebony silks Sauron used to wear (before the Luthien incident).
‘Glaurung, you idiot,’ replied Ancalagon in a deep voice.
‘Oh,’ stammered Glaurung, ‘you’re male?’
Ancalagon regarded him with steely contempt.
‘You think that would matter, do you?’ He snorted a brief spurt of flame. ‘No. Much worse. I’m ace.’
Chapter End Notes
Ancalagon is clearly aro as well as ace...
Cross-posted from the SWG 13th birthday insta-drabbling event on Discord. The title is taken from the title of a internet page for reptile owners, quoted during a discussion thread on how to determine the sex of dragons and on Ancalagon's gender. The prompt words were: tremble, silks, courage, answer.
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